Building a Variational Monte Carlo program

Morten Hjorth-Jensen Email
Department of Physics and Center fo Computing in Science Education, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway

January 31

Overview of week January 27-31


Teaching Material, videos and written material

Code templates for first project

  1. The C++ template
  2. The python template, using JAX

Basic Quantum Monte Carlo, repetition from last week

We start with the variational principle. Given a hamiltonian \( H \) and a trial wave function \( \Psi_T(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha}) \), the variational principle states that the expectation value of \( \cal{E}[H] \), defined through

$$ \cal {E}[H] = \frac{\int d\boldsymbol{R}\Psi^{\ast}_T(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha})H(\boldsymbol{R})\Psi_T(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha})} {\int d\boldsymbol{R}\Psi^{\ast}_T(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha})\Psi_T(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha})}, $$

is an upper bound to the ground state energy \( E_0 \) of the hamiltonian \( H \), that is

$$ E_0 \le {\cal E}[H]. $$

Multi-dimensional integrals

In general, the integrals involved in the calculation of various expectation values are multi-dimensional ones. Traditional integration methods such as Gauss-Legendre quadrature will not be adequate for say the computation of the energy of a many-body system.

Here we have defined the vector \( \boldsymbol{R} = [\boldsymbol{r}_1,\boldsymbol{r}_2,\dots,\boldsymbol{r}_n] \) as an array that contains the positions of all particles \( n \) while the vector \( \boldsymbol{\alpha} = [\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_m] \) contains the variational parameters of the model, \( m \) in total.

Trail functions

The trial wave function can be expanded in the eigenstates \( \Psi_i(\boldsymbol{R}) \) of the hamiltonian since they form a complete set, viz.,

$$ \Psi_T(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha})=\sum_i a_i\Psi_i(\boldsymbol{R}), $$

and assuming that the set of eigenfunctions are normalized, one obtains

$$ \frac{\sum_{nm}a^*_ma_n \int d\boldsymbol{R}\Psi^{\ast}_m(\boldsymbol{R})H(\boldsymbol{R})\Psi_n(\boldsymbol{R})} {\sum_{nm}a^*_ma_n \int d\boldsymbol{R}\Psi^{\ast}_m(\boldsymbol{R})\Psi_n(\boldsymbol{R})} =\frac{\sum_{n}a^2_n E_n} {\sum_{n}a^2_n} \ge E_0, $$

where we used that \( H(\boldsymbol{R})\Psi_n(\boldsymbol{R})=E_n\Psi_n(\boldsymbol{R}) \).

Variational principle

The variational principle yields the lowest energy of states with a given symmetry.

In most cases, a wave function has only small values in large parts of configuration space, and a straightforward procedure which uses homogenously distributed random points in configuration space will most likely lead to poor results. This may suggest that some kind of importance sampling combined with e.g., the Metropolis algorithm may be a more efficient way of obtaining the ground state energy. The hope is then that those regions of configurations space where the wave function assumes appreciable values are sampled more efficiently.

Tedious parts of VMC calculations

The tedious part in a VMC calculation is the search for the variational minimum. A good knowledge of the system is required in order to carry out reasonable VMC calculations. This is not always the case, and often VMC calculations serve rather as the starting point for so-called diffusion Monte Carlo calculations (DMC). Diffusion Monte Carlo is a way of solving exactly the many-body Schroedinger equation by means of a stochastic procedure. A good guess on the binding energy and its wave function is however necessary. A carefully performed VMC calculation can aid in this context.

Bird's eye view on Variational MC

The basic procedure of a Variational Monte Carlo calculations consists thus of

  1. Construct first a trial wave function \( \psi_T(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha}) \), for a many-body system consisting of \( n \) particles located at positions \( \boldsymbol{R}=(\boldsymbol{R}_1,\dots ,\boldsymbol{R}_n) \). The trial wave function depends on \( \alpha \) variational parameters \( \boldsymbol{\alpha}=(\alpha_1,\dots ,\alpha_M) \).
  2. Then we evaluate the expectation value of the hamiltonian \( H \)
$$ \overline{E}[\boldsymbol{\alpha}]=\frac{\int d\boldsymbol{R}\Psi^{\ast}_{T}(\boldsymbol{R},\boldsymbol{\alpha})H(\boldsymbol{R})\Psi_{T}(\boldsymbol{R},\boldsymbol{\alpha})} {\int d\boldsymbol{R}\Psi^{\ast}_{T}(\boldsymbol{R},\boldsymbol{\alpha})\Psi_{T}(\boldsymbol{R},\boldsymbol{\alpha})}. $$
  1. Thereafter we vary \( \boldsymbol{\alpha} \) according to some minimization algorithm and return eventually to the first step if we are not satisfied with the results.

Here we have used the notation \( \overline{E} \) to label the expectation value of the energy.

Linking with standard statistical expressions for expectation values

In order to bring in the Monte Carlo machinery, we define first a likelihood distribution, or probability density distribution (PDF). Using our ansatz for the trial wave function \( \psi_T(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha}) \) we define a PDF

$$ P(\boldsymbol{R})= \frac{\left|\psi_T(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha})\right|^2}{\int \left|\psi_T(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha})\right|^2d\boldsymbol{R}}. $$

This is our model for probability distribution function. The approximation to the expectation value of the Hamiltonian is now

$$ \overline{E}[\boldsymbol{\alpha}] = \frac{\int d\boldsymbol{R}\Psi^{\ast}_T(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha})H(\boldsymbol{R})\Psi_T(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha})} {\int d\boldsymbol{R}\Psi^{\ast}_T(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha})\Psi_T(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha})}. $$

The local energy

We define a new quantity

$$ E_L(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha})=\frac{1}{\psi_T(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha})}H\psi_T(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha}), \label{eq:locale1} $$

called the local energy, which, together with our trial PDF yields a new expression (and which look simlar to the the expressions for moments in statistics)

$$ \overline{E}[\boldsymbol{\alpha}]=\int P(\boldsymbol{R})E_L(\boldsymbol{R};\boldsymbol{\alpha}) d\boldsymbol{R}\approx \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^NE_L(\boldsymbol{R_i};\boldsymbol{\alpha}) \label{eq:vmc1} $$

with \( N \) being the number of Monte Carlo samples. The expression on the right hand side follows from Bernoulli's law of large numbers, which states that the sample mean, in the limit \( N\rightarrow \infty \) approaches the true mean

The Monte Carlo algorithm

The Algorithm for performing a variational Monte Carlo calculations runs as this

Observe that the jumping in space is governed by the variable step. This is often referred to as the brute-force sampling and is normally replaced by what is called importance sampling, discussed in more detail next week..

Example from last week, the harmonic oscillator in one dimension (best seen with jupyter-notebook)

We present here a well-known example, the harmonic oscillator in one dimension for one particle. This will also serve the aim of introducing our next model, namely that of interacting electrons in a harmonic oscillator trap.

Here as well, we do have analytical solutions and the energy of the ground state, with \( \hbar=1 \), is \( 1/2\omega \), with \( \omega \) being the oscillator frequency. We use the following trial wave function

$$ \psi_T(x;\alpha) = \exp{-(\frac{1}{2}\alpha^2x^2)}, $$

which results in a local energy

$$ \frac{1}{2}\left(\alpha^2+x^2(1-\alpha^4)\right). $$

We can compare our numerically calculated energies with the exact energy as function of \( \alpha \)

$$ \overline{E}[\alpha] = \frac{1}{4}\left(\alpha^2+\frac{1}{\alpha^2}\right). $$

Similarly, with the above ansatz, we can also compute the exact variance which reads

$$ \sigma^2[\alpha]=\frac{1}{4}\left(1+(1-\alpha^4)^2\frac{3}{4\alpha^4}\right)-\overline{E}. $$

Our code for computing the energy of the ground state of the harmonic oscillator follows here. We start by defining directories where we store various outputs.

# Common imports
import os

# Where to save the figures and data files
FIGURE_ID = "Results/FigureFiles"
DATA_ID = "Results/VMCHarmonic"

if not os.path.exists(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR):

if not os.path.exists(FIGURE_ID):

if not os.path.exists(DATA_ID):

def image_path(fig_id):
    return os.path.join(FIGURE_ID, fig_id)

def data_path(dat_id):
    return os.path.join(DATA_ID, dat_id)

def save_fig(fig_id):
    plt.savefig(image_path(fig_id) + ".png", format='png')

outfile = open(data_path("VMCHarmonic.dat"),'w')

We proceed with the implementation of the Monte Carlo algorithm but list first the ansatz for the wave function and the expression for the local energy

# VMC for the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator
# Brute force Metropolis, no importance sampling and no energy minimization
from math import exp, sqrt
from random import random, seed
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from decimal import *
# Trial wave function for the Harmonic oscillator in one dimension
def WaveFunction(r,alpha):
    return exp(-0.5*alpha*alpha*r*r)

# Local energy  for the Harmonic oscillator in one dimension
def LocalEnergy(r,alpha):
    return 0.5*r*r*(1-alpha**4) + 0.5*alpha*alpha

Note that in the Metropolis algorithm there is no need to compute the trial wave function, mainly since we are just taking the ratio of two exponentials. It is then from a computational point view, more convenient to compute the argument from the ratio and then calculate the exponential. Here we have refrained from this purely of pedagogical reasons.

# The Monte Carlo sampling with the Metropolis algo
def MonteCarloSampling():

    NumberMCcycles= 100000
    StepSize = 1.0
    # positions
    PositionOld = 0.0
    PositionNew = 0.0

    # seed for rng generator
    # start variational parameter
    alpha = 0.4
    for ia in range(MaxVariations):
        alpha += .05
        AlphaValues[ia] = alpha
        energy = energy2 = 0.0
        #Initial position
        PositionOld = StepSize * (random() - .5)
        wfold = WaveFunction(PositionOld,alpha)
        #Loop over MC MCcycles
        for MCcycle in range(NumberMCcycles):
            #Trial position 
            PositionNew = PositionOld + StepSize*(random() - .5)
            wfnew = WaveFunction(PositionNew,alpha)
            #Metropolis test to see whether we accept the move
            if random() <= wfnew**2 / wfold**2:
                PositionOld = PositionNew
                wfold = wfnew
            DeltaE = LocalEnergy(PositionOld,alpha)
            energy += DeltaE
            energy2 += DeltaE**2
        #We calculate mean, variance and error
        energy /= NumberMCcycles
        energy2 /= NumberMCcycles
        variance = energy2 - energy**2
        error = sqrt(variance/NumberMCcycles)
        Energies[ia] = energy    
        Variances[ia] = variance    
        outfile.write('%f %f %f %f \n' %(alpha,energy,variance,error))
    return Energies, AlphaValues, Variances

Finally, the results are presented here with the exact energies and variances as well.

#Here starts the main program with variable declarations
MaxVariations = 20
Energies = np.zeros((MaxVariations))
ExactEnergies = np.zeros((MaxVariations))
ExactVariance = np.zeros((MaxVariations))
Variances = np.zeros((MaxVariations))
AlphaValues = np.zeros(MaxVariations)
(Energies, AlphaValues, Variances) = MonteCarloSampling()
ExactEnergies = 0.25*(AlphaValues*AlphaValues+1.0/(AlphaValues*AlphaValues))
ExactVariance = 0.25*(1.0+((1.0-AlphaValues**4)**2)*3.0/(4*(AlphaValues**4)))-ExactEnergies*ExactEnergies

#simple subplot
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(AlphaValues, Energies, 'o-',AlphaValues, ExactEnergies,'r-')
plt.title('Energy and variance')
plt.ylabel('Dimensionless energy')
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.plot(AlphaValues, Variances, '.-',AlphaValues, ExactVariance,'r-')
plt.xlabel(r'$\alpha$', fontsize=15)
#nice printout with Pandas
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
data ={'Alpha':AlphaValues, 'Energy':Energies,'Exact Energy':ExactEnergies,'Variance':Variances,'Exact Variance':ExactVariance,}
frame = pd.DataFrame(data)

For \( \alpha=1 \) we have the exact eigenpairs, as can be deduced from the table here. With \( \omega=1 \), the exact energy is \( 1/2 \) a.u. with zero variance, as it should. We see also that our computed variance follows rather well the exact variance. Increasing the number of Monte Carlo cycles will improve our statistics (try to increase the number of Monte Carlo cycles).

The fact that the variance is exactly equal to zero when \( \alpha=1 \) is that we then have the exact wave function, and the action of the hamiltionan on the wave function

$$ H\psi = \mathrm{constant}\times \psi, $$

yields just a constant. The integral which defines various expectation values involving moments of the hamiltonian becomes then

$$ \langle H^n \rangle = \frac{\int d\boldsymbol{R}\Psi^{\ast}_T(\boldsymbol{R})H^n(\boldsymbol{R})\Psi_T(\boldsymbol{R})} {\int d\boldsymbol{R}\Psi^{\ast}_T(\boldsymbol{R})\Psi_T(\boldsymbol{R})}= \mathrm{constant}\times\frac{\int d\boldsymbol{R}\Psi^{\ast}_T(\boldsymbol{R})\Psi_T(\boldsymbol{R})} {\int d\boldsymbol{R}\Psi^{\ast}_T(\boldsymbol{R})\Psi_T(\boldsymbol{R})}=\mathrm{constant}. $$ This gives an important information: the exact wave function leads to zero variance!

As we will see below, many practitioners perform a minimization on both the energy and the variance.

Why Markov chains, Brownian motion and the Metropolis algorithm

Use Markov chain Monte Carlo

Brownian motion and Markov processes

A Markov process is a random walk with a selected probability for making a move. The new move is independent of the previous history of the system.

The Markov process is used repeatedly in Monte Carlo simulations in order to generate new random states.

The reason for choosing a Markov process is that when it is run for a long enough time starting with a random state, we will eventually reach the most likely state of the system.

In thermodynamics, this means that after a certain number of Markov processes we reach an equilibrium distribution.

This mimicks the way a real system reaches its most likely state at a given temperature of the surroundings.

Brownian motion and Markov processes, Ergodicity and Detailed balance

To reach this distribution, the Markov process needs to obey two important conditions, that of ergodicity and detailed balance. These conditions impose then constraints on our algorithms for accepting or rejecting new random states.

The Metropolis algorithm discussed here abides to both these constraints.

The Metropolis algorithm is widely used in Monte Carlo simulations and the understanding of it rests within the interpretation of random walks and Markov processes.

For a proof the ergodic theorem see

Brownian motion and Markov processes, jargon

In a random walk one defines a mathematical entity called a walker, whose attributes completely define the state of the system in question.

The state of the system can refer to any physical quantities, from the vibrational state of a molecule specified by a set of quantum numbers, to the brands of coffee in your favourite supermarket.

The walker moves in an appropriate state space by a combination of deterministic and random displacements from its previous position.

This sequence of steps forms a chain.

Brownian motion and Markov processes, sequence of ingredients

Applications: almost every field in science

$$ \frac{\partial V}{\partial t}+\frac{1}{2}\sigma^{2}S^{2}\frac{\partial^{2} V}{\partial S^{2}}+rS\frac{\partial V}{\partial S}-rV=0. $$

The Black and Scholes equation is a partial differential equation, which describes the price of the option over time. It is a diffusion equation with a random term.

The list of applications is endless

Markov processes

A Markov process allows in principle for a microscopic description of Brownian motion. As with the random walk studied in the previous section, we consider a particle which moves along the \( x \)-axis in the form of a series of jumps with step length \( \Delta x = l \). Time and space are discretized and the subsequent moves are statistically independent, i.e., the new move depends only on the previous step and not on the results from earlier trials. We start at a position \( x=jl=j\Delta x \) and move to a new position \( x =i\Delta x \) during a step \( \Delta t=\epsilon \), where \( i\ge 0 \) and \( j\ge 0 \) are integers. The original probability distribution function (PDF) of the particles is given by \( w_i(t=0) \) where \( i \) refers to a specific position on the grid in

The function \( w_i(t=0) \) is now the discretized version of \( w(x,t) \). We can regard the discretized PDF as a vector.

Markov processes

For the Markov process we have a transition probability from a position \( x=jl \) to a position \( x=il \) given by

$$ \begin{equation*} W_{ij}(\epsilon)=W(il-jl,\epsilon)=\left\{\begin{array}{cc}\frac{1}{2} & |i-j| = 1\\ 0 & \mathrm{else} \end{array} \right. , \end{equation*} $$

where \( W_{ij} \) is normally called the transition probability and we can represent it, see below, as a matrix. Here we have specialized to a case where the transition probability is known.

Our new PDF \( w_i(t=\epsilon) \) is now related to the PDF at \( t=0 \) through the relation

$$ \begin{equation*} w_i(t=\epsilon) =\sum_{j} W(j\rightarrow i)w_j(t=0). \end{equation*} $$

This equation represents the discretized time-development of an original PDF with equal probability of jumping left or right.

Markov processes, the probabilities

Since both \( \boldsymbol{W} \) and \( \boldsymbol{w} \) represent probabilities, they have to be normalized, i.e., we require that at each time step we have

$$ \begin{equation*} \sum_i w_i(t) = 1, \end{equation*} $$


$$ \begin{equation*} \sum_j W(j\rightarrow i) = 1, \end{equation*} $$

which applies for all \( j \)-values. The further constraints are \( 0 \le W_{ij} \le 1 \) and \( 0 \le w_{j} \le 1 \). Note that the probability for remaining at the same place is in general not necessarily equal zero.

Markov processes

The time development of our initial PDF can now be represented through the action of the transition probability matrix applied \( n \) times. At a time \( t_n=n\epsilon \) our initial distribution has developed into

$$ \begin{equation*} w_i(t_n) = \sum_jW_{ij}(t_n)w_j(0), \end{equation*} $$

and defining

$$ \begin{equation*} W(il-jl,n\epsilon)=(W^n(\epsilon))_{ij} \end{equation*} $$

we obtain

$$ \begin{equation*} w_i(n\epsilon) = \sum_j(W^n(\epsilon))_{ij}w_j(0), \end{equation*} $$

or in matrix form

$$ \begin{equation} \label{eq:wfinal} \boldsymbol{w}(n\epsilon) = \boldsymbol{W}^n(\epsilon)\boldsymbol{w}(0). \end{equation} $$

An Illustrative Example

The following simple example may help in understanding the meaning of the transition matrix \( \hat{W} \) and the vector \( \hat{w} \). Consider the \( 4\times 4 \) matrix \( \hat{W} \)

$$ \begin{equation*} \boldsymbol{W} = \left(\begin{array}{cccc} 1/4 & 1/9 & 3/8 & 1/3 \\ 2/4 & 2/9 & 0 & 1/3\\ 0 & 1/9 & 3/8 & 0\\ 1/4 & 5/9& 2/8 & 1/3 \end{array} \right), \end{equation*} $$

and we choose our initial state as

$$ \begin{equation*} \boldsymbol{w}(t=0)= \left(\begin{array}{c} 1\\ 0\\ 0 \\ 0 \end{array} \right). \end{equation*} $$

An Illustrative Example

We note that both the vector and the matrix are properly normalized. Summing the vector elements gives one and summing over columns for the matrix results also in one. Furthermore, the largest eigenvalue is one. We act then on \( \boldsymbol{w} \) with \( \boldsymbol{W} \). The first iteration is

$$ \begin{equation*} \boldsymbol{w}(t=\epsilon) = \boldsymbol{W}\boldsymbol{w}(t=0), \end{equation*} $$

resulting in

$$ \begin{equation*} \boldsymbol{w}(t=\epsilon)= \left(\begin{array}{c} 1/4\\ 1/2 \\ 0 \\ 1/4 \end{array} \right). \end{equation*} $$

An Illustrative Example, next step

The next iteration results in

$$ \begin{equation*} \boldsymbol{w}(t=2\epsilon) = \boldsymbol{W}\boldsymbol{w}(t=\epsilon), \end{equation*} $$

resulting in

$$ \begin{equation*} \boldsymbol{w}(t=2\epsilon)= \left(\begin{array}{c} 0.201389\\ 0.319444 \\ 0.055556 \\ 0.423611 \end{array} \right). \end{equation*} $$

Note that the vector \( \boldsymbol{w} \) is always normalized to \( 1 \).

An Illustrative Example, the steady state

We find the steady state of the system by solving the set of equations

$$ \begin{equation*} w(t=\infty) = Ww(t=\infty), \end{equation*} $$

which is an eigenvalue problem with eigenvalue equal to one! This set of equations reads

$$ \begin{align} W_{11}w_1(t=\infty) +W_{12}w_2(t=\infty) +W_{13}w_3(t=\infty)+ W_{14}w_4(t=\infty)=&w_1(t=\infty) \nonumber \\ W_{21}w_1(t=\infty) + W_{22}w_2(t=\infty) + W_{23}w_3(t=\infty)+ W_{24}w_4(t=\infty)=&w_2(t=\infty) \nonumber \\ W_{31}w_1(t=\infty) + W_{32}w_2(t=\infty) + W_{33}w_3(t=\infty)+ W_{34}w_4(t=\infty)=&w_3(t=\infty) \nonumber \\ W_{41}w_1(t=\infty) + W_{42}w_2(t=\infty) + W_{43}w_3(t=\infty)+ W_{44}w_4(t=\infty)=&w_4(t=\infty) \nonumber \\ \label{_auto1} \end{align} $$

with the constraint that

$$ \begin{equation*} \sum_i w_i(t=\infty) = 1, \end{equation*} $$

yielding as solution

$$ \begin{equation*} \boldsymbol{w}(t=\infty)= \left(\begin{array}{c}0.244318 \\ 0.319602 \\ 0.056818 \\ 0.379261 \end{array} \right). \end{equation*} $$

Code for the iterative process

from  matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Define dimension of matrix and vectors
Dim = 4
#Setting up a transition probability matrix
TransitionMatrix = np.matrix('0.25 0.1111 0.375 0.3333; 0.5 0.2222 0.0 0.3333; 0.0 0.1111 0.375 0.0; 0.25 0.5556 0.25 0.3334')
# Making a copy of the transition matrix
W = TransitionMatrix
# our first state
wold = np.zeros(Dim)
wold[0] = 1.0
wnew = np.zeros(Dim)

# diagonalize and obtain eigenvalues, not necessarily sorted
EigValues, EigVectors = np.linalg.eig(TransitionMatrix)
# sort eigenvectors and eigenvalues
permute = EigValues.argsort()
EigValues = EigValues[permute]
EigVectors = EigVectors[:,permute]
for i in range(Dim):

count = 0
while count < 20:
      for i in range(Dim):
          wnew[i] = W[i,:] @ wold
      count = count + 1
      print(count, wnew)
      wold = wnew

Small exercise

Write a small code which diagonalized the matrix \( \boldsymbol{W} \) and find the eigenpairs anc ompare the coefficients \( w_i \). Note: You may need to normalize the eigenvectors from the diagonalization procedure. What is the largest eigenvalue?

What do the results mean?

We have after \( t \)-steps

$$ \begin{equation*} \boldsymbol{w}(t) = \boldsymbol{W}^t\boldsymbol{w}(0), \end{equation*} $$

with \( \boldsymbol{w}(0) \) the distribution at \( t=0 \) and \( \boldsymbol{W} \) representing the transition probability matrix.

Understanding the basics

We can always expand \( \boldsymbol{w}(0) \) in terms of the right eigenvectors \( \boldsymbol{v} \) of \( \boldsymbol{W} \) as

$$ \begin{equation*} \boldsymbol{w}(0) = \sum_i\alpha_i\boldsymbol{v}_i, \end{equation*} $$

resulting in

$$ \begin{equation*} \boldsymbol{w}(t) = \boldsymbol{W}^t\boldsymbol{w}(0)=\boldsymbol{W}^t\sum_i\alpha_i\boldsymbol{v}_i= \sum_i\lambda_i^t\alpha_i\boldsymbol{v}_i, \end{equation*} $$

with \( \lambda_i \) the \( i^{\mathrm{th}} \) eigenvalue corresponding to the eigenvector \( \boldsymbol{v}_i \).

If we assume that \( \lambda_0 \) is the largest eigenvector we see that in the limit \( t\rightarrow \infty \), \( \boldsymbol{w}(t) \) becomes proportional to the corresponding eigenvector \( \boldsymbol{v}_0 \). This is our steady state or final distribution.

Basics of the Metropolis Algorithm

The Metropolis algorithm is a method to sample a normalized probability distribution by a stochastic process. We define \( {\cal w}_i^{(n)} \) to be the probability for finding the system in the state \( i \) at step \( n \).

In the simulations, our assumption is that we have a model for \( {\cal w}_i^{(n)} \), but we do not know \( W \). We will hence model \( W \) in terms of a likelihood for making transition \( T \) and a likelihood for accepting a transition. That is

$$ W_{i\rightarrow j}=A_{i\rightarrow j}T_{i\rightarrow j} $$

The basic of the Metropolis Algorithm

We wish to derive the required properties of \( T \) and \( A \) such that \( {\cal w}_i^{(n\rightarrow \infty)} \rightarrow p_i \) so that starting from any distribution, the method converges to the correct distribution. Note that the description here is for a discrete probability distribution. Replacing probabilities \( p_i \) with expressions like \( p(x_i)dx_i \) will take all of these over to the corresponding continuum expressions.

More on the Metropolis

The dynamical equation for \( {\cal w}_i^{(n)} \) can be written directly from the description above. The probability of being in the state \( i \) at step \( n \) is given by the probability of being in any state \( j \) at the previous step, and making an accepted transition to \( i \) added to the probability of being in the state \( i \), making a transition to any state \( j \) and rejecting the move:

$$ \begin{equation} \label{eq:eq1} {\cal w}^{(n)}_i = \sum_j \left [ {\cal w}^{(n-1)}_jT_{j\rightarrow i} A_{j\rightarrow i} +{\cal w}^{(n-1)}_iT_{i\rightarrow j}\left ( 1- A_{i\rightarrow j} \right) \right ] \,. \end{equation} $$

Metropolis algorithm, setting it up

Since the probability of making some transition must be 1, \( \sum_j T_{i\rightarrow j} = 1 \), and Eq. \eqref{eq:eq1} becomes

$$ \begin{equation} {\cal w}^{(n)}_i = {\cal w}^{(n-1)}_i + \sum_j \left [ {\cal w}^{(n-1)}_jT_{j\rightarrow i} A_{j\rightarrow i} -{\cal w}^{(n-1)}_iT_{i\rightarrow j}A_{i\rightarrow j} \right ] \,. \label{_auto2} \end{equation} $$

Metropolis continues

For large \( n \) we require that \( {\cal w}^{(n\rightarrow \infty)}_i = p_i \), the desired probability distribution. Taking this limit, gives the balance requirement

$$ \begin{equation} \sum_j \left [p_jT_{j\rightarrow i} A_{j\rightarrow i}-p_iT_{i\rightarrow j}A_{i\rightarrow j} \right ] = 0, \label{_auto3} \end{equation} $$

Detailed Balance

The balance requirement is very weak. Typically the much stronger detailed balance requirement is enforced, that is rather than the sum being set to zero, we set each term separately to zero and use this to determine the acceptance probabilities. Rearranging, the result is

$$ \begin{equation} \frac{ A_{j\rightarrow i}}{A_{i\rightarrow j}} = \frac{p_iT_{i\rightarrow j}}{ p_jT_{j\rightarrow i}} \,. \label{_auto4} \end{equation} $$

This is the detailed balance requirement

More on Detailed Balance

The Metropolis choice is to maximize the \( A \) values, that is

$$ \begin{equation} A_{j \rightarrow i} = \min \left ( 1, \frac{p_iT_{i\rightarrow j}}{ p_jT_{j\rightarrow i}}\right ). \label{_auto5} \end{equation} $$

Other choices are possible, but they all correspond to multilplying \( A_{i\rightarrow j} \) and \( A_{j\rightarrow i} \) by the same constant smaller than unity. The penalty function method uses just such a factor to compensate for \( p_i \) that are evaluated stochastically and are therefore noisy.

Having chosen the acceptance probabilities, we have guaranteed that if the \( {\cal w}_i^{(n)} \) has equilibrated, that is if it is equal to \( p_i \), it will remain equilibrated. Next we need to find the circumstances for convergence to equilibrium.

Dynamical Equation

The dynamical equation can be written as

$$ \begin{equation} {\cal w}^{(n)}_i = \sum_j M_{ij}{\cal w}^{(n-1)}_j \label{_auto6} \end{equation} $$

with the matrix \( M \) given by

$$ \begin{equation} M_{ij} = \delta_{ij}\left [ 1 -\sum_k T_{i\rightarrow k} A_{i \rightarrow k} \right ] + T_{j\rightarrow i} A_{j\rightarrow i} \,. \label{_auto7} \end{equation} $$

Summing over \( i \) shows that \( \sum_i M_{ij} = 1 \), and since \( \sum_k T_{i\rightarrow k} = 1 \), and \( A_{i \rightarrow k} \leq 1 \), the elements of the matrix satisfy \( M_{ij} \geq 0 \). The matrix \( M \) is therefore a stochastic matrix.

Interpreting the Metropolis Algorithm

The Metropolis method is simply the power method for computing the right eigenvector of \( \boldsymbol{M} \) with the largest magnitude eigenvalue. By construction, the correct probability distribution is a right eigenvector with eigenvalue 1. Therefore, for the Metropolis method to converge to this result, we must show that \( \boldsymbol{M} \) has only one eigenvalue with this magnitude, and all other eigenvalues are smaller.

Even a defective matrix has at least one left and right eigenvector for each eigenvalue. An example of a defective matrix is

$$ \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1\\ 0 & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix}, $$

with two zero eigenvalues, only one right eigenvector

$$ \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 0\\ \end{bmatrix} $$

and only one left eigenvector \( (0\ 1) \).

Gershgorin bounds and Metropolis

The Gershgorin bounds for the eigenvalues can be derived by multiplying on the left with the eigenvector with the maximum and minimum eigenvalues,

$$ \begin{align} \sum_i \psi^{\rm max}_i M_{ij} =& \lambda_{\rm max} \psi^{\rm max}_j \nonumber\\ \sum_i \psi^{\rm min}_i M_{ij} =& \lambda_{\rm min} \psi^{\rm min}_j \label{_auto8} \end{align} $$

Normalizing the Eigenvectors

Next we choose the normalization of these eigenvectors so that the largest element (or one of the equally largest elements) has value 1. Let's call this element \( k \), and we can therefore bound the magnitude of the other elements to be less than or equal to 1. This leads to the inequalities, using the property that \( M_{ij}\geq 0 \),

$$ \begin{eqnarray} \sum_i M_{ik} \leq \lambda_{\rm max} \nonumber\\ M_{kk}-\sum_{i \neq k} M_{ik} \geq \lambda_{\rm min} \end{eqnarray} $$

where the equality from the maximum will occur only if the eigenvector takes the value 1 for all values of \( i \) where \( M_{ik} \neq 0 \), and the equality for the minimum will occur only if the eigenvector takes the value -1 for all values of \( i\neq k \) where \( M_{ik} \neq 0 \).

More Metropolis analysis

That the maximum eigenvalue is 1 follows immediately from the property that \( \sum_i M_{ik} = 1 \). Similarly the minimum eigenvalue can be -1, but only if \( M_{kk} = 0 \) and the magnitude of all the other elements \( \psi_i^{\rm min} \) of the eigenvector that multiply nonzero elements \( M_{ik} \) are -1.

Let's first see what the properties of \( M \) must be to eliminate any -1 eigenvalues. To have a -1 eigenvalue, the left eigenvector must contain only \( \pm 1 \) and \( 0 \) values. Taking in turn each \( \pm 1 \) value as the maximum, so that it corresponds to the index \( k \), the nonzero \( M_{ik} \) values must correspond to \( i \) index values of the eigenvector which have opposite sign elements. That is, the \( M \) matrix must break up into sets of states that always make transitions from set A to set B ... back to set A. In particular, there can be no rejections of these moves in the cycle since the -1 eigenvalue requires \( M_{kk}=0 \). To guarantee no eigenvalues with eigenvalue -1, we simply have to make sure that there are no cycles among states. Notice that this is generally trivial since such cycles cannot have any rejections at any stage. An example of such a cycle is sampling a noninteracting Ising spin. If the transition is taken to flip the spin, and the energy difference is zero, the Boltzmann factor will not change and the move will always be accepted. The system will simply flip from up to down to up to down ad infinitum. Including a rejection probability or using a heat bath algorithm immediately fixes the problem.

Final Considerations I

Next we need to make sure that there is only one left eigenvector with eigenvalue 1. To get an eigenvalue 1, the left eigenvector must be constructed from only ones and zeroes. It is straightforward to see that a vector made up of ones and zeroes can only be an eigenvector with eigenvalue 1 if the matrix element \( M_{ij} = 0 \) for all cases where \( \psi_i \neq \psi_j \). That is we can choose an index \( i \) and take \( \psi_i = 1 \). We require all elements \( \psi_j \) where \( M_{ij} \neq 0 \) to also have the value \( 1 \). Continuing we then require all elements \( \psi_\ell \) $M_{j\ell}$ to have value \( 1 \). Only if the matrix \( M \) can be put into block diagonal form can there be more than one choice for the left eigenvector with eigenvalue 1. We therefore require that the transition matrix not be in block diagonal form. This simply means that we must choose the transition probability so that we can get from any allowed state to any other in a series of transitions.

Final Considerations II

Finally, we note that for a defective matrix, with more eigenvalues than independent eigenvectors for eigenvalue 1, the left and right eigenvectors of eigenvalue 1 would be orthogonal. Here the left eigenvector is all 1 except for states that can never be reached, and the right eigenvector is \( p_i > 0 \) except for states that give zero probability. We already require that we can reach all states that contribute to \( p_i \). Therefore the left and right eigenvectors with eigenvalue 1 do not correspond to a defective sector of the matrix and they are unique. The Metropolis algorithm therefore converges exponentially to the desired distribution.

Final Considerations III

The requirements for the transition \( T_{i \rightarrow j} \) are

The system: two particles (fermions normally) in a harmonic oscillator trap in two dimensions

The Hamiltonian of the quantum dot is given by

$$ \hat{H} = \hat{H}_0 + \hat{V}, $$

where \( \hat{H}_0 \) is the many-body HO Hamiltonian, and \( \hat{V} \) is the inter-electron Coulomb interactions. In dimensionless units,

$$ \hat{V}= \sum_{i < j}^N \frac{1}{r_{ij}}, $$

with \( r_{ij}=\sqrt{\mathbf{r}_i^2 - \mathbf{r}_j^2} \).

Separating the degrees of freedom

This leads to the separable Hamiltonian, with the relative motion part given by (\( r_{ij}=r \))

$$ \hat{H}_r=-\nabla^2_r + \frac{1}{4}\omega^2r^2+ \frac{1}{r}, $$

plus a standard Harmonic Oscillator problem for the center-of-mass motion. This system has analytical solutions in two and three dimensions (M. Taut 1993 and 1994).

Variational Monte Carlo code (best seen with jupyter-notebook)

We want to perform a Variational Monte Carlo calculation of the ground state of two electrons in a quantum dot well with different oscillator energies, assuming total spin \( S=0 \). Our trial wave function has the following form

$$ \begin{equation} \psi_{T}(\boldsymbol{r}_1,\boldsymbol{r}_2) = C\exp{\left(-\alpha_1\omega(r_1^2+r_2^2)/2\right)} \exp{\left(\frac{r_{12}}{(1+\alpha_2 r_{12})}\right)}, \label{eq:trial} \end{equation} $$

where the $\alpha$s represent our variational parameters, two in this case.

Why does the trial function look like this? How did we get there? This will be one of our main motivations for switching to Machine Learning later.

To find an ansatz for the correlated part of the wave function, it is useful to rewrite the two-particle local energy in terms of the relative and center-of-mass motion. Let us denote the relative distance between the two electrons as \( r_{12} \). We omit the center-of-mass motion since we are only interested in the case when \( r_{12} \rightarrow 0 \). The contribution from the center-of-mass (CoM) variable \( \boldsymbol{R}_{\mathrm{CoM}} \) gives only a finite contribution. We focus only on the terms that are relevant for \( r_{12} \) and for three dimensions.

The relevant local energy becomes then

$$ \lim_{r_{12} \rightarrow 0}E_L(R)= \frac{1}{{\cal R}_T(r_{12})}\left(2\frac{d^2}{dr_{ij}^2}+\frac{4}{r_{ij}}\frac{d}{dr_{ij}}+\frac{2}{r_{ij}}-\frac{l(l+1)}{r_{ij}^2}+2E \right){\cal R}_T(r_{12}) = 0. $$

Set \( l=0 \) and we have the so-called cusp condition

$$ \frac{d {\cal R}_T(r_{12})}{dr_{12}} = -\frac{1}{2(l+1)} {\cal R}_T(r_{12})\qquad r_{12}\to 0 $$

The above results in

$$ {\cal R}_T \propto \exp{(r_{ij}/2)}, $$

for anti-parallel spins and

$$ {\cal R}_T \propto \exp{(r_{ij}/4)}, $$

for anti-parallel spins. This is the so-called cusp condition for the relative motion, resulting in a minimal requirement for the correlation part of the wave fuction. For general systems containing more than say two electrons, we have this condition for each electron pair \( ij \).

First code attempt for the two-electron case

First, as with the hydrogen case, we declare where to store files.

# Common imports
import os

# Where to save the figures and data files
FIGURE_ID = "Results/FigureFiles"
DATA_ID = "Results/VMCQdotMetropolis"

if not os.path.exists(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR):

if not os.path.exists(FIGURE_ID):

if not os.path.exists(DATA_ID):

def image_path(fig_id):
    return os.path.join(FIGURE_ID, fig_id)

def data_path(dat_id):
    return os.path.join(DATA_ID, dat_id)

def save_fig(fig_id):
    plt.savefig(image_path(fig_id) + ".png", format='png')

outfile = open(data_path("VMCQdotMetropolis.dat"),'w')

Thereafter we set up the analytical expressions for the wave functions and the local energy

# 2-electron VMC for quantum dot system in two dimensions
# Brute force Metropolis, no importance sampling and no energy minimization
from math import exp, sqrt
from random import random, seed
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter
import sys

# Trial wave function for the 2-electron quantum dot in two dims
def WaveFunction(r,alpha,beta):
    r1 = r[0,0]**2 + r[0,1]**2
    r2 = r[1,0]**2 + r[1,1]**2
    r12 = sqrt((r[0,0]-r[1,0])**2 + (r[0,1]-r[1,1])**2)
    deno = r12/(1+beta*r12)
    return exp(-0.5*alpha*(r1+r2)+deno)

# Local energy  for the 2-electron quantum dot in two dims, using analytical local energy
def LocalEnergy(r,alpha,beta):
    r1 = (r[0,0]**2 + r[0,1]**2)
    r2 = (r[1,0]**2 + r[1,1]**2)
    r12 = sqrt((r[0,0]-r[1,0])**2 + (r[0,1]-r[1,1])**2)
    deno = 1.0/(1+beta*r12)
    deno2 = deno*deno
    return 0.5*(1-alpha*alpha)*(r1 + r2) +2.0*alpha + 1.0/r12+deno2*(alpha*r12-deno2+2*beta*deno-1.0/r12)

The Monte Carlo sampling without importance sampling is set up here.

# The Monte Carlo sampling with the Metropolis algo
def MonteCarloSampling():

    NumberMCcycles= 10000
    StepSize = 1.0
    # positions
    PositionOld = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)
    PositionNew = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)

    # seed for rng generator
    # start variational parameter
    alpha = 0.9
    for ia in range(MaxVariations):
        alpha += .025
        AlphaValues[ia] = alpha
        beta = 0.2 
        for jb in range(MaxVariations):
            beta += .01
            BetaValues[jb] = beta
            energy = energy2 = 0.0
            DeltaE = 0.0
            #Initial position
            for i in range(NumberParticles):
                for j in range(Dimension):
                    PositionOld[i,j] = StepSize * (random() - .5)
            wfold = WaveFunction(PositionOld,alpha,beta)

            #Loop over MC MCcycles
            for MCcycle in range(NumberMCcycles):
                #Trial position moving one particle at the time
                for i in range(NumberParticles):
                    for j in range(Dimension):
                        PositionNew[i,j] = PositionOld[i,j] + StepSize * (random() - .5)
                    wfnew = WaveFunction(PositionNew,alpha,beta)

                    #Metropolis test to see whether we accept the move
                    if random() < wfnew**2 / wfold**2:
                       for j in range(Dimension):
                           PositionOld[i,j] = PositionNew[i,j]
                       wfold = wfnew
                DeltaE = LocalEnergy(PositionOld,alpha,beta)
                energy += DeltaE
                energy2 += DeltaE**2
            #We calculate mean, variance and error ...
            energy /= NumberMCcycles
            energy2 /= NumberMCcycles
            variance = energy2 - energy**2
            error = sqrt(variance/NumberMCcycles)
            Energies[ia,jb] = energy    
            Variances[ia,jb] = variance    
            outfile.write('%f %f %f %f %f\n' %(alpha,beta,energy,variance,error))
    return Energies, Variances, AlphaValues, BetaValues

And finally comes the main part with the plots as well.

#Here starts the main program with variable declarations
NumberParticles = 2
Dimension = 2
MaxVariations = 10
Energies = np.zeros((MaxVariations,MaxVariations))
Variances = np.zeros((MaxVariations,MaxVariations))
AlphaValues = np.zeros(MaxVariations)
BetaValues = np.zeros(MaxVariations)
(Energies, Variances, AlphaValues, BetaValues) = MonteCarloSampling()

# Prepare for plots
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
# Plot the surface.
X, Y = np.meshgrid(AlphaValues, BetaValues)
surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Energies,cmap=cm.coolwarm,linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
# Customize the z axis.
zmin = np.matrix(Energies).min()
zmax = np.matrix(Energies).max()
ax.set_zlim(zmin, zmax)
ax.set_zlabel(r'$\langle E \rangle$')
# Add a color bar which maps values to colors.
fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5)
© 1999-2025, Morten Hjorth-Jensen Email Released under CC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license