Project 2, Modelling time-dependent quantum mechanical many-body systems. Deadline May 31

Computational Physics II FYS4411/FYS9411
Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway

Spring semester 2023


The aim of this project is to use the time-dependent Hartree-Fock method to model electronic systems subject to an intense semi-classical laser. We will study how these systems react when they are perturbed by an external field.

The project and the theory behind it is described in greater detail at

Introduction to numerical projects

Here follows a brief recipe and recommendation on how to write a report for each project.

Format for electronic delivery of report and programs

The preferred format for the report is a PDF file. You can also use DOC or postscript formats or as an ipython notebook file. As programming language we prefer that you choose between C/C++, Fortran2008 or Python. The following prescription should be followed when preparing the report:

Finally, we encourage you to work two and two together. Optimal working groups consist of 2-3 students. You can then hand in a common report.

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