Simple codes for steepest descent and conjugate gradient using a \( 2\times 2 \) matrix, in c++

#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "vectormatrixclass.h"
using namespace  std;
//   Main function begins here
int main(int  argc, char * argv[]){
  int dim = 2;
  Vector x(dim),xsd(dim), b(dim),x0(dim);
  Matrix A(dim,dim);

  // Set our initial guess
  x0(0) = x0(1) = 0;
  // Set the matrix
  A(0,0) =  2;    A(1,0) =  1;   A(0,1) =  1;   A(1,1) =  20;
  b(0) = 5; b(1) = 3;
  cout << "The Matrix A that we are using: " << endl;
  cout << endl;
  xsd = SteepestDescent(A,b,x0);
  cout << "The approximate solution using Steepest Descent is: " << endl;
  cout << endl;