Example code form last week

# 2-electron VMC code for 2dim quantum dot with importance sampling
# Using gaussian rng for new positions and Metropolis- Hastings 
# Added energy minimization
from math import exp, sqrt
from random import random, seed, normalvariate
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import sys
import os

# Where to save data files
DATA_ID = "Results/EnergyMin"

if not os.path.exists(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR):

if not os.path.exists(DATA_ID):

def data_path(dat_id):
    return os.path.join(DATA_ID, dat_id)

outfile = open(data_path("Energies.dat"),'w')

# Trial wave function for the 2-electron quantum dot in two dims
def WaveFunction(r,alpha,beta):
    r1 = r[0,0]**2 + r[0,1]**2
    r2 = r[1,0]**2 + r[1,1]**2
    r12 = sqrt((r[0,0]-r[1,0])**2 + (r[0,1]-r[1,1])**2)
    deno = r12/(1+beta*r12)
    return exp(-0.5*alpha*(r1+r2)+deno)

# Local energy  for the 2-electron quantum dot in two dims, using analytical local energy
def LocalEnergy(r,alpha,beta):
    r1 = (r[0,0]**2 + r[0,1]**2)
    r2 = (r[1,0]**2 + r[1,1]**2)
    r12 = sqrt((r[0,0]-r[1,0])**2 + (r[0,1]-r[1,1])**2)
    deno = 1.0/(1+beta*r12)
    deno2 = deno*deno
    return 0.5*(1-alpha*alpha)*(r1 + r2) +2.0*alpha + 1.0/r12+deno2*(alpha*r12-deno2+2*beta*deno-1.0/r12)

# Derivate of wave function ansatz as function of variational parameters
def DerivativeWFansatz(r,alpha,beta):
    WfDer  = np.zeros((2), np.double)
    r1 = (r[0,0]**2 + r[0,1]**2)
    r2 = (r[1,0]**2 + r[1,1]**2)
    r12 = sqrt((r[0,0]-r[1,0])**2 + (r[0,1]-r[1,1])**2)
    deno = 1.0/(1+beta*r12)
    deno2 = deno*deno
    WfDer[0] = -0.5*(r1+r2)
    WfDer[1] = -r12*r12*deno2
    return  WfDer

# Setting up the quantum force for the two-electron quantum dot, recall that it is a vector
def QuantumForce(r,alpha,beta):

    qforce = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)
    r12 = sqrt((r[0,0]-r[1,0])**2 + (r[0,1]-r[1,1])**2)
    deno = 1.0/(1+beta*r12)
    qforce[0,:] = -2*r[0,:]*alpha*(r[0,:]-r[1,:])*deno*deno/r12
    qforce[1,:] = -2*r[1,:]*alpha*(r[1,:]-r[0,:])*deno*deno/r12
    return qforce

# Computing the derivative of the energy and the energy 
def EnergyDerivative(x0):

    # Parameters in the Fokker-Planck simulation of the quantum force
    D = 0.5
    TimeStep = 0.05
    # positions
    PositionOld = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)
    PositionNew = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)
    # Quantum force
    QuantumForceOld = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)
    QuantumForceNew = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)

    energy = 0.0
    DeltaE = 0.0
    alpha = x0[0]
    beta = x0[1]
    EnergyDer = 0.0
    DeltaPsi = 0.0
    DerivativePsiE = 0.0 
    #Initial position
    for i in range(NumberParticles):
        for j in range(Dimension):
            PositionOld[i,j] = normalvariate(0.0,1.0)*sqrt(TimeStep)
    wfold = WaveFunction(PositionOld,alpha,beta)
    QuantumForceOld = QuantumForce(PositionOld,alpha, beta)

    #Loop over MC MCcycles
    for MCcycle in range(NumberMCcycles):
        #Trial position moving one particle at the time
        for i in range(NumberParticles):
            for j in range(Dimension):
                PositionNew[i,j] = PositionOld[i,j]+normalvariate(0.0,1.0)*sqrt(TimeStep)+\
            wfnew = WaveFunction(PositionNew,alpha,beta)
            QuantumForceNew = QuantumForce(PositionNew,alpha, beta)
            GreensFunction = 0.0
            for j in range(Dimension):
                GreensFunction += 0.5*(QuantumForceOld[i,j]+QuantumForceNew[i,j])*\
            GreensFunction = exp(GreensFunction)
            ProbabilityRatio = GreensFunction*wfnew**2/wfold**2
            #Metropolis-Hastings test to see whether we accept the move
            if random() <= ProbabilityRatio:
                for j in range(Dimension):
                    PositionOld[i,j] = PositionNew[i,j]
                    QuantumForceOld[i,j] = QuantumForceNew[i,j]
                wfold = wfnew
        DeltaE = LocalEnergy(PositionOld,alpha,beta)
        DerPsi = DerivativeWFansatz(PositionOld,alpha,beta)
        DeltaPsi += DerPsi
        energy += DeltaE
        DerivativePsiE += DerPsi*DeltaE
    # We calculate mean values
    energy /= NumberMCcycles
    DerivativePsiE /= NumberMCcycles
    DeltaPsi /= NumberMCcycles
    EnergyDer  = 2*(DerivativePsiE-DeltaPsi*energy)
    return EnergyDer

# Computing the expectation value of the local energy 
def Energy(x0):
    # Parameters in the Fokker-Planck simulation of the quantum force
    D = 0.5
    TimeStep = 0.05
    # positions
    PositionOld = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)
    PositionNew = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)
    # Quantum force
    QuantumForceOld = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)
    QuantumForceNew = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)

    energy = 0.0
    DeltaE = 0.0
    alpha = x0[0]
    beta = x0[1]
    #Initial position
    for i in range(NumberParticles):
        for j in range(Dimension):
            PositionOld[i,j] = normalvariate(0.0,1.0)*sqrt(TimeStep)
    wfold = WaveFunction(PositionOld,alpha,beta)
    QuantumForceOld = QuantumForce(PositionOld,alpha, beta)

    #Loop over MC MCcycles
    for MCcycle in range(NumberMCcycles):
        #Trial position moving one particle at the time
        for i in range(NumberParticles):
            for j in range(Dimension):
                PositionNew[i,j] = PositionOld[i,j]+normalvariate(0.0,1.0)*sqrt(TimeStep)+\
            wfnew = WaveFunction(PositionNew,alpha,beta)
            QuantumForceNew = QuantumForce(PositionNew,alpha, beta)
            GreensFunction = 0.0
            for j in range(Dimension):
                GreensFunction += 0.5*(QuantumForceOld[i,j]+QuantumForceNew[i,j])*\
            GreensFunction = exp(GreensFunction)
            ProbabilityRatio = GreensFunction*wfnew**2/wfold**2
            #Metropolis-Hastings test to see whether we accept the move
            if random() <= ProbabilityRatio:
                for j in range(Dimension):
                    PositionOld[i,j] = PositionNew[i,j]
                    QuantumForceOld[i,j] = QuantumForceNew[i,j]
                wfold = wfnew
        DeltaE = LocalEnergy(PositionOld,alpha,beta)
        energy += DeltaE
        if Printout: 
           outfile.write('%f\n' %(energy/(MCcycle+1.0)))            
    # We calculate mean values
    energy /= NumberMCcycles
    return energy

#Here starts the main program with variable declarations
NumberParticles = 2
Dimension = 2
# seed for rng generator 
# Monte Carlo cycles for parameter optimization
Printout = False
NumberMCcycles= 10000
# guess for variational parameters
x0 = np.array([0.9,0.2])
# Using Broydens method to find optimal parameters
res = minimize(Energy, x0, method='BFGS', jac=EnergyDerivative, options={'gtol': 1e-4,'disp': True})
x0 = res.x
# Compute the energy again with the optimal parameters and increased number of Monte Cycles
NumberMCcycles= 2**19
Printout = True
FinalEnergy = Energy(x0)
EResult = np.array([FinalEnergy,FinalEnergy])
#nice printout with Pandas
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
data ={'Optimal Parameters':x0, 'Final Energy':EResult}
frame = pd.DataFrame(data)