Autograd with more complicated functions

To differentiate with respect to two (or more) arguments of a Python function, Autograd need to know at which variable the function if being differentiated with respect to.

import autograd.numpy as np
from autograd import grad
def f2(x1,x2):
    return 3*x1**3 + x2*(x1 - 5) + 1

# By sending the argument 0, Autograd will compute the derivative w.r.t the first variable, in this case x1
f2_grad_x1 = grad(f2,0)

# ... and differentiate w.r.t x2 by sending 1 as an additional arugment to grad
f2_grad_x2 = grad(f2,1)

x1 = 1.0
x2 = 3.0 

print("Evaluating at x1 = %g, x2 = %g"%(x1,x2))

# Compare with the analytical derivatives:

# Derivative of f2 w.r.t x1 is: 9*x1**2 + x2:
f2_grad_x1_analytical = 9*x1**2 + x2

# Derivative of f2 w.r.t x2 is: x1 - 5:
f2_grad_x2_analytical = x1 - 5

# See the evaluated derivations:
print("The derivative of f2 w.r.t x1: %g"%( f2_grad_x1(x1,x2) ))
print("The analytical derivative of f2 w.r.t x1: %g"%( f2_grad_x1(x1,x2) ))


print("The derivative of f2 w.r.t x2: %g"%( f2_grad_x2(x1,x2) ))
print("The analytical derivative of f2 w.r.t x2: %g"%( f2_grad_x2(x1,x2) ))

Note that the grad function will not produce the true gradient of the function. The true gradient of a function with two or more variables will produce a vector, where each element is the function differentiated w.r.t a variable.