Examples of XOR, OR and AND gates

Let us first try to fit various gates using standard linear regression. The gates we are thinking of are the classical XOR, OR and AND gates, well-known elements in computer science. The tables here show how we can set up the inputs \( x_1 \) and \( x_2 \) in order to yield a specific target \( y_i \).

Simple code that tests XOR, OR and AND gates with linear regression

import numpy as np
# Design matrix
X = np.array([ [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0],[1, 1, 1]],dtype=np.float64)
print(f"The X.TX  matrix:{X.T @ X}")
Xinv = np.linalg.pinv(X.T @ X)
print(f"The invers of X.TX  matrix:{Xinv}")

# The XOR gate 
yXOR = np.array( [ 0, 1 ,1, 0])
ThetaXOR  = Xinv @ X.T @ yXOR
print(f"The values of theta for the XOR gate:{ThetaXOR}")
print(f"The linear regression prediction  for the XOR gate:{X @ ThetaXOR}")

# The OR gate 
yOR = np.array( [ 0, 1 ,1, 1])
ThetaOR  = Xinv @ X.T @ yOR
print(f"The values of theta for the OR gate:{ThetaOR}")
print(f"The linear regression prediction  for the OR gate:{X @ ThetaOR}")

# The OR gate 
yAND = np.array( [ 0, 0 ,0, 1])
ThetaAND  = Xinv @ X.T @ yAND
print(f"The values of theta for the AND gate:{ThetaAND}")
print(f"The linear regression prediction  for the AND gate:{X @ ThetaAND}")

What is happening here?