Formatting the Data

The way the recurrent neural networks are trained in this program differs from how machine learning algorithms are usually trained. Typically a machine learning algorithm is trained by learning the relationship between the x data and the y data. In this program, the recurrent neural network will be trained to recognize the relationship in a sequence of y values. This is type of data formatting is typically used time series forcasting, but it can also be used in any extrapolation (time series forecasting is just a specific type of extrapolation along the time axis). This method of data formatting does not use the x data and assumes that the y data are evenly spaced.

For a standard machine learning algorithm, the training data has the form of (x,y) so the machine learning algorithm learns to assiciate a y value with a given x value. This is useful when the test data has x values within the same range as the training data. However, for this application, the x values of the test data are outside of the x values of the training data and the traditional method of training a machine learning algorithm does not work as well. For this reason, the recurrent neural network is trained on sequences of y values of the form ((y1, y2), y3), so that the network is concerned with learning the pattern of the y data and not the relation between the x and y data. As long as the pattern of y data outside of the training region stays relatively stable compared to what was inside the training region, this method of training can produce accurate extrapolations to y values far removed from the training data set.

def format_data(data, length_of_sequence = 2):  
            data(a numpy array): the data that will be the inputs to the recurrent neural
            length_of_sequence (an int): the number of elements in one iteration of the
                sequence patter.  For a function approximator use length_of_sequence = 2.
            rnn_input (a 3D numpy array): the input data for the recurrent neural network.  Its
                dimensions are length of data - length of sequence, length of sequence, 
                dimnsion of data
            rnn_output (a numpy array): the training data for the neural network
        Formats data to be used in a recurrent neural network.

    X, Y = [], []
    for i in range(len(data)-length_of_sequence):
        # Get the next length_of_sequence elements
        a = data[i:i+length_of_sequence]
        # Get the element that immediately follows that
        b = data[i+length_of_sequence]
        # Reshape so that each data point is contained in its own array
        a = np.reshape (a, (len(a), 1))
    rnn_input = np.array(X)
    rnn_output = np.array(Y)

    return rnn_input, rnn_output

# ## Defining the Recurrent Neural Network Using Keras
# The following method defines a simple recurrent neural network in keras consisting of one input layer, one hidden layer, and one output layer.

def rnn(length_of_sequences, batch_size = None, stateful = False):
            length_of_sequences (an int): the number of y values in "x data".  This is determined
                when the data is formatted
            batch_size (an int): Default value is None.  See Keras documentation of SimpleRNN.
            stateful (a boolean): Default value is False.  See Keras documentation of SimpleRNN.
            model (a Keras model): The recurrent neural network that is built and compiled by this
        Builds and compiles a recurrent neural network with one hidden layer and returns the model.
    # Number of neurons in the input and output layers
    in_out_neurons = 1
    # Number of neurons in the hidden layer
    hidden_neurons = 200
    # Define the input layer
    inp = Input(batch_shape=(batch_size, 
    # Define the hidden layer as a simple RNN layer with a set number of neurons and add it to 
    # the network immediately after the input layer
    rnn = SimpleRNN(hidden_neurons, 
                    stateful = stateful,
    # Define the output layer as a dense neural network layer (standard neural network layer)
    #and add it to the network immediately after the hidden layer.
    dens = Dense(in_out_neurons,name="dense")(rnn)
    # Create the machine learning model starting with the input layer and ending with the 
    # output layer
    model = Model(inputs=[inp],outputs=[dens])
    # Compile the machine learning model using the mean squared error function as the loss 
    # function and an Adams optimizer.
    model.compile(loss="mean_squared_error", optimizer="adam")  
    return model