Other Types of Recurrent Neural Networks

Besides a simple recurrent neural network layer, there are two other commonly used types of recurrent neural network layers: Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). For a short introduction to these layers see https://medium.com/mindboard/lstm-vs-gru-experimental-comparison-955820c21e8b and https://medium.com/mindboard/lstm-vs-gru-experimental-comparison-955820c21e8b.

The first network created below is similar to the previous network, but it replaces the SimpleRNN layers with LSTM layers. The second network below has two hidden layers made up of GRUs, which are preceeded by two dense (feeddorward) neural network layers. These dense layers "preprocess" the data before it reaches the recurrent layers. This architecture has been shown to improve the performance of recurrent neural networks (see the link above and also https://arxiv.org/pdf/1807.02857.pdf.

def lstm_2layers(length_of_sequences, batch_size = None, stateful = False):
            length_of_sequences (an int): the number of y values in "x data".  This is determined
                when the data is formatted
            batch_size (an int): Default value is None.  See Keras documentation of SimpleRNN.
            stateful (a boolean): Default value is False.  See Keras documentation of SimpleRNN.
            model (a Keras model): The recurrent neural network that is built and compiled by this
        Builds and compiles a recurrent neural network with two LSTM hidden layers and returns the model.
    # Number of neurons on the input/output layer and the number of neurons in the hidden layer
    in_out_neurons = 1
    hidden_neurons = 250
    # Input Layer
    inp = Input(batch_shape=(batch_size, 
    # Hidden layers (in this case they are LSTM layers instead if SimpleRNN layers)
    rnn= LSTM(hidden_neurons, 
                    stateful = stateful,
                    name="RNN", use_bias=True, activation='tanh')(inp)
    rnn1 = LSTM(hidden_neurons, 
                    stateful = stateful,
                    name="RNN1", use_bias=True, activation='tanh')(rnn)
    # Output layer
    dens = Dense(in_out_neurons,name="dense")(rnn1)
    # Define the midel
    model = Model(inputs=[inp],outputs=[dens])
    # Compile the model
    model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')  
    # Return the model
    return model

def dnn2_gru2(length_of_sequences, batch_size = None, stateful = False):
            length_of_sequences (an int): the number of y values in "x data".  This is determined
                when the data is formatted
            batch_size (an int): Default value is None.  See Keras documentation of SimpleRNN.
            stateful (a boolean): Default value is False.  See Keras documentation of SimpleRNN.
            model (a Keras model): The recurrent neural network that is built and compiled by this
        Builds and compiles a recurrent neural network with four hidden layers (two dense followed by
        two GRU layers) and returns the model.
    # Number of neurons on the input/output layers and hidden layers
    in_out_neurons = 1
    hidden_neurons = 250
    # Input layer
    inp = Input(batch_shape=(batch_size, 
    # Hidden Dense (feedforward) layers
    dnn = Dense(hidden_neurons/2, activation='relu', name='dnn')(inp)
    dnn1 = Dense(hidden_neurons/2, activation='relu', name='dnn1')(dnn)
    # Hidden GRU layers
    rnn1 = GRU(hidden_neurons, 
                    stateful = stateful,
                    name="RNN1", use_bias=True)(dnn1)
    rnn = GRU(hidden_neurons, 
                    stateful = stateful,
                    name="RNN", use_bias=True)(rnn1)
    # Output layer
    dens = Dense(in_out_neurons,name="dense")(rnn)
    # Define the model
    model = Model(inputs=[inp],outputs=[dens])
    # Compile the mdoel
    model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')  
    # Return the model
    return model

# Check to make sure the data set is complete
assert len(X_tot) == len(y_tot)

# This is the number of points that will be used in as the training data

# Separate the training data from the whole data set
X_train = X_tot[:dim]
y_train = y_tot[:dim]

# Generate the training data for the RNN, using a sequence of 2
rnn_input, rnn_training = format_data(y_train, 2)

# Create a recurrent neural network in Keras and produce a summary of the 
# machine learning model
# Change the method name to reflect which network you want to use
model = dnn2_gru2(length_of_sequences = 2)

# Start the timer.  Want to time training+testing
start = timer()
# Fit the model using the training data genenerated above using 150 training iterations and a 5%
# validation split.  Setting verbose to True prints information about each training iteration.
hist = model.fit(rnn_input, rnn_training, batch_size=None, epochs=150, 

# This section plots the training loss and the validation loss as a function of training iteration.
# This is not required for analyzing the couple cluster data but can help determine if the network is
# being overtrained.
for label in ["loss","val_loss"]:

plt.title("The final validation loss: {}".format(hist.history["val_loss"][-1]))

# Use the trained neural network to predict more points of the data set
test_rnn(X_tot, y_tot, X_tot[0], X_tot[dim-1])
# Stop the timer and calculate the total time needed.
end = timer()
print('Time: ', end-start)

# ### Training Recurrent Neural Networks in the Standard Way (i.e. learning the relationship between the X and Y data)
# Finally, comparing the performace of a recurrent neural network using the standard data formatting to the performance of the network with time sequence data formatting shows the benefit of this type of data formatting with extrapolation.

# Check to make sure the data set is complete
assert len(X_tot) == len(y_tot)

# This is the number of points that will be used in as the training data

# Separate the training data from the whole data set
X_train = X_tot[:dim]
y_train = y_tot[:dim]

# Reshape the data for Keras specifications
X_train = X_train.reshape((dim, 1))
y_train = y_train.reshape((dim, 1))

# Create a recurrent neural network in Keras and produce a summary of the 
# machine learning model
# Set the sequence length to 1 for regular data formatting 
model = rnn(length_of_sequences = 1)

# Start the timer.  Want to time training+testing
start = timer()
# Fit the model using the training data genenerated above using 150 training iterations and a 5%
# validation split.  Setting verbose to True prints information about each training iteration.
hist = model.fit(X_train, y_train, batch_size=None, epochs=150, 

# This section plots the training loss and the validation loss as a function of training iteration.
# This is not required for analyzing the couple cluster data but can help determine if the network is
# being overtrained.
for label in ["loss","val_loss"]:

plt.title("The final validation loss: {}".format(hist.history["val_loss"][-1]))

# Use the trained neural network to predict the remaining data points
X_pred = X_tot[dim:]
X_pred = X_pred.reshape((len(X_pred), 1))
y_model = model.predict(X_pred)
y_pred = np.concatenate((y_tot[:dim], y_model.flatten()))

# Plot the known data set and the predicted data set.  The red box represents the region that was used
# for the training data.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(X_tot, y_tot, label="true", linewidth=3)
ax.plot(X_tot, y_pred, 'g-.',label="predicted", linewidth=4)
# Created a red region to represent the points used in the training data.
ax.axvspan(X_tot[0], X_tot[dim], alpha=0.25, color='red')

# Stop the timer and calculate the total time needed.
end = timer()
print('Time: ', end-start)