Importance sampling, Fokker-Planck and Langevin equations

Assume now that \( \tau \) is very small so that we can make an expansion in terms of a small step \( \xi \), with \( \mathbf{x}'=\mathbf{x}-\xi \), that is

$$ W(\mathbf{x},s|\mathbf{x}_0)+\frac{\partial W}{\partial s}\tau +O(\tau^2) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} W(\mathbf{x},\tau|\mathbf{x}-\xi)W(\mathbf{x}-\xi,s|\mathbf{x}_0)d\mathbf{x}'. $$

We assume that \( W(\mathbf{x},\tau|\mathbf{x}-\xi) \) takes non-negligible values only when \( \xi \) is small. This is just another way of stating the Master equation!!