Using Broyden's algorithm in scipy

The following function uses the above described BFGS algorithm. Here we have defined a function which calculates the energy and a function which computes the first derivative.

# 2-electron VMC code for 2dim quantum dot with importance sampling
# Using gaussian rng for new positions and Metropolis- Hastings 
# Added energy minimization using the BFGS algorithm, see p. 136 of
from math import exp, sqrt
from random import random, seed, normalvariate
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import sys

# Trial wave function for the 2-electron quantum dot in two dims
def WaveFunction(r,alpha,beta):
    r1 = r[0,0]**2 + r[0,1]**2
    r2 = r[1,0]**2 + r[1,1]**2
    r12 = sqrt((r[0,0]-r[1,0])**2 + (r[0,1]-r[1,1])**2)
    deno = r12/(1+beta*r12)
    return exp(-0.5*alpha*(r1+r2)+deno)

# Local energy  for the 2-electron quantum dot in two dims, using analytical local energy
def LocalEnergy(r,alpha,beta):
    r1 = (r[0,0]**2 + r[0,1]**2)
    r2 = (r[1,0]**2 + r[1,1]**2)
    r12 = sqrt((r[0,0]-r[1,0])**2 + (r[0,1]-r[1,1])**2)
    deno = 1.0/(1+beta*r12)
    deno2 = deno*deno
    return 0.5*(1-alpha*alpha)*(r1 + r2) +2.0*alpha + 1.0/r12+deno2*(alpha*r12-deno2+2*beta*deno-1.0/r12)

# Derivate of wave function ansatz as function of variational parameters
def DerivativeWFansatz(r,alpha,beta):
    WfDer  = np.zeros((2), np.double)
    r1 = (r[0,0]**2 + r[0,1]**2)
    r2 = (r[1,0]**2 + r[1,1]**2)
    r12 = sqrt((r[0,0]-r[1,0])**2 + (r[0,1]-r[1,1])**2)
    deno = 1.0/(1+beta*r12)
    deno2 = deno*deno
    WfDer[0] = -0.5*(r1+r2)
    WfDer[1] = -r12*r12*deno2
    return  WfDer

# Setting up the quantum force for the two-electron quantum dot, recall that it is a vector
def QuantumForce(r,alpha,beta):

    qforce = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)
    r12 = sqrt((r[0,0]-r[1,0])**2 + (r[0,1]-r[1,1])**2)
    deno = 1.0/(1+beta*r12)
    qforce[0,:] = -2*r[0,:]*alpha*(r[0,:]-r[1,:])*deno*deno/r12
    qforce[1,:] = -2*r[1,:]*alpha*(r[1,:]-r[0,:])*deno*deno/r12
    return qforce

# Computing the derivative of the energy and the energy 
def EnergyDerivative(x0):

    # Parameters in the Fokker-Planck simulation of the quantum force
    D = 0.5
    TimeStep = 0.05
    NumberMCcycles= 10000
    # positions
    PositionOld = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)
    PositionNew = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)
    # Quantum force
    QuantumForceOld = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)
    QuantumForceNew = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)

    energy = 0.0
    DeltaE = 0.0
    alpha = x0[0]
    beta = x0[1]
    EnergyDer = 0.0
    DeltaPsi = 0.0
    DerivativePsiE = 0.0 
    #Initial position
    for i in range(NumberParticles):
        for j in range(Dimension):
            PositionOld[i,j] = normalvariate(0.0,1.0)*sqrt(TimeStep)
    wfold = WaveFunction(PositionOld,alpha,beta)
    QuantumForceOld = QuantumForce(PositionOld,alpha, beta)

    #Loop over MC MCcycles
    for MCcycle in range(NumberMCcycles):
        #Trial position moving one particle at the time
        for i in range(NumberParticles):
            for j in range(Dimension):
                PositionNew[i,j] = PositionOld[i,j]+normalvariate(0.0,1.0)*sqrt(TimeStep)+\
            wfnew = WaveFunction(PositionNew,alpha,beta)
            QuantumForceNew = QuantumForce(PositionNew,alpha, beta)
            GreensFunction = 0.0
            for j in range(Dimension):
                GreensFunction += 0.5*(QuantumForceOld[i,j]+QuantumForceNew[i,j])*\
            GreensFunction = exp(GreensFunction)
            ProbabilityRatio = GreensFunction*wfnew**2/wfold**2
            #Metropolis-Hastings test to see whether we accept the move
            if random() <= ProbabilityRatio:
                for j in range(Dimension):
                    PositionOld[i,j] = PositionNew[i,j]
                    QuantumForceOld[i,j] = QuantumForceNew[i,j]
                wfold = wfnew
        DeltaE = LocalEnergy(PositionOld,alpha,beta)
        DerPsi = DerivativeWFansatz(PositionOld,alpha,beta)
        DeltaPsi += DerPsi
        energy += DeltaE
        DerivativePsiE += DerPsi*DeltaE
    # We calculate mean values
    energy /= NumberMCcycles
    DerivativePsiE /= NumberMCcycles
    DeltaPsi /= NumberMCcycles
    EnergyDer  = 2*(DerivativePsiE-DeltaPsi*energy)
    return EnergyDer

# Computing the expectation value of the local energy 
def Energy(x0):
    # Parameters in the Fokker-Planck simulation of the quantum force
    D = 0.5
    TimeStep = 0.05
    # positions
    PositionOld = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)
    PositionNew = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)
    # Quantum force
    QuantumForceOld = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)
    QuantumForceNew = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)

    energy = 0.0
    DeltaE = 0.0
    alpha = x0[0]
    beta = x0[1]
    NumberMCcycles= 10000
    #Initial position
    for i in range(NumberParticles):
        for j in range(Dimension):
            PositionOld[i,j] = normalvariate(0.0,1.0)*sqrt(TimeStep)
    wfold = WaveFunction(PositionOld,alpha,beta)
    QuantumForceOld = QuantumForce(PositionOld,alpha, beta)

    #Loop over MC MCcycles
    for MCcycle in range(NumberMCcycles):
        #Trial position moving one particle at the time
        for i in range(NumberParticles):
            for j in range(Dimension):
                PositionNew[i,j] = PositionOld[i,j]+normalvariate(0.0,1.0)*sqrt(TimeStep)+\
            wfnew = WaveFunction(PositionNew,alpha,beta)
            QuantumForceNew = QuantumForce(PositionNew,alpha, beta)
            GreensFunction = 0.0
            for j in range(Dimension):
                GreensFunction += 0.5*(QuantumForceOld[i,j]+QuantumForceNew[i,j])*\
            GreensFunction = exp(GreensFunction)
            ProbabilityRatio = GreensFunction*wfnew**2/wfold**2
            #Metropolis-Hastings test to see whether we accept the move
            if random() <= ProbabilityRatio:
                for j in range(Dimension):
                    PositionOld[i,j] = PositionNew[i,j]
                    QuantumForceOld[i,j] = QuantumForceNew[i,j]
                wfold = wfnew
        DeltaE = LocalEnergy(PositionOld,alpha,beta)
        energy += DeltaE
    # We calculate mean values
    energy /= NumberMCcycles
    return energy

#Here starts the main program with variable declarations
NumberParticles = 2
Dimension = 2
# seed for rng generator 
# guess for variational parameters
x0 = np.array([0.9,0.2])
# Using Broydens method
res = minimize(Energy, x0, method='BFGS', jac=EnergyDerivative, options={'gtol': 1e-4,'disp': True})

Note that the minimize function returns the finale values for the variable \( \alpha=x0[0] \) and \( \beta=x0[1] \) in the array \( x \).