The first attempt at solving the Helium atom

We can in turn look at second derivatives

from sympy import symbols, diff, exp, sqrt, factor, Symbol, printing
x, y, z, Z = symbols('x y z Z')
r = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
phi = (Z*r - 2)*exp(-Z*r/2)
R = Symbol('r') #Creates a symbolic equivalent of r
(diff(diff(phi, x), x) + diff(diff(phi, y), y) + diff(diff(phi, z), z)).factor().subs(r, R)
# Collect the Z values
(diff(diff(phi, x), x) + diff(diff(phi, y), y) +diff(diff(phi, z), z)).factor().collect(Z).subs(r, R)
# Factorize also the r**2 terms
(diff(diff(phi, x), x) + diff(diff(phi, y), y) + diff(diff(phi, z), z)).factor().collect(Z).subs(r, R).subs(r**2, R**2).factor()
print printing.ccode((diff(diff(phi, x), x) + diff(diff(phi, y), y) + diff(diff(phi, z), z)).factor().collect(Z).subs(r, R).subs(r**2, R**2).factor())

With some practice this allows one to be able to check one's own calculation and translate automatically into code lines.