First, as with the hydrogen case, we declare where to store files.
# Common imports
import os
# Where to save the figures and data files
FIGURE_ID = "Results/FigureFiles"
DATA_ID = "Results/VMCQdotMetropolis"
if not os.path.exists(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR):
if not os.path.exists(FIGURE_ID):
if not os.path.exists(DATA_ID):
def image_path(fig_id):
return os.path.join(FIGURE_ID, fig_id)
def data_path(dat_id):
return os.path.join(DATA_ID, dat_id)
def save_fig(fig_id):
plt.savefig(image_path(fig_id) + ".png", format='png')
outfile = open(data_path("VMCQdotMetropolis.dat"),'w')
Thereafter we set up the analytical expressions for the wave functions and the local energy
# 2-electron VMC for quantum dot system in two dimensions
# Brute force Metropolis, no importance sampling and no energy minimization
from math import exp, sqrt
from random import random, seed
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter
import sys
# Trial wave function for the 2-electron quantum dot in two dims
def WaveFunction(r,alpha,beta):
r1 = r[0,0]**2 + r[0,1]**2
r2 = r[1,0]**2 + r[1,1]**2
r12 = sqrt((r[0,0]-r[1,0])**2 + (r[0,1]-r[1,1])**2)
deno = r12/(1+beta*r12)
return exp(-0.5*alpha*(r1+r2)+deno)
# Local energy for the 2-electron quantum dot in two dims, using analytical local energy
def LocalEnergy(r,alpha,beta):
r1 = (r[0,0]**2 + r[0,1]**2)
r2 = (r[1,0]**2 + r[1,1]**2)
r12 = sqrt((r[0,0]-r[1,0])**2 + (r[0,1]-r[1,1])**2)
deno = 1.0/(1+beta*r12)
deno2 = deno*deno
return 0.5*(1-alpha*alpha)*(r1 + r2) +2.0*alpha + 1.0/r12+deno2*(alpha*r12-deno2+2*beta*deno-1.0/r12)
The Monte Carlo sampling without importance sampling is set up here.
# The Monte Carlo sampling with the Metropolis algo
def MonteCarloSampling():
NumberMCcycles= 10000
StepSize = 1.0
# positions
PositionOld = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)
PositionNew = np.zeros((NumberParticles,Dimension), np.double)
# seed for rng generator
# start variational parameter
alpha = 0.9
for ia in range(MaxVariations):
alpha += .025
AlphaValues[ia] = alpha
beta = 0.2
for jb in range(MaxVariations):
beta += .01
BetaValues[jb] = beta
energy = energy2 = 0.0
DeltaE = 0.0
#Initial position
for i in range(NumberParticles):
for j in range(Dimension):
PositionOld[i,j] = StepSize * (random() - .5)
wfold = WaveFunction(PositionOld,alpha,beta)
#Loop over MC MCcycles
for MCcycle in range(NumberMCcycles):
#Trial position moving one particle at the time
for i in range(NumberParticles):
for j in range(Dimension):
PositionNew[i,j] = PositionOld[i,j] + StepSize * (random() - .5)
wfnew = WaveFunction(PositionNew,alpha,beta)
#Metropolis test to see whether we accept the move
if random() < wfnew**2 / wfold**2:
for j in range(Dimension):
PositionOld[i,j] = PositionNew[i,j]
wfold = wfnew
DeltaE = LocalEnergy(PositionOld,alpha,beta)
energy += DeltaE
energy2 += DeltaE**2
#We calculate mean, variance and error ...
energy /= NumberMCcycles
energy2 /= NumberMCcycles
variance = energy2 - energy**2
error = sqrt(variance/NumberMCcycles)
Energies[ia,jb] = energy
Variances[ia,jb] = variance
outfile.write('%f %f %f %f %f\n' %(alpha,beta,energy,variance,error))
return Energies, Variances, AlphaValues, BetaValues
And finally comes the main part with the plots as well.
#Here starts the main program with variable declarations
NumberParticles = 2
Dimension = 2
MaxVariations = 10
Energies = np.zeros((MaxVariations,MaxVariations))
Variances = np.zeros((MaxVariations,MaxVariations))
AlphaValues = np.zeros(MaxVariations)
BetaValues = np.zeros(MaxVariations)
(Energies, Variances, AlphaValues, BetaValues) = MonteCarloSampling()
# Prepare for plots
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
# Plot the surface.
X, Y = np.meshgrid(AlphaValues, BetaValues)
surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Energies,cmap=cm.coolwarm,linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
# Customize the z axis.
zmin = np.matrix(Energies).min()
zmax = np.matrix(Energies).max()
ax.set_zlim(zmin, zmax)
ax.set_zlabel(r'$\langle E \rangle$')
# Add a color bar which maps values to colors.
fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5)