Finding the minimum of the harmonic oscillator model in one dimension

//   Main function begins here
int main()
     int n, iter;
     double gtol, fret;
     double alpha;
     n = 1;
//   reserve space in memory for vectors containing the variational
//   parameters
     Vector g(n), p(n);
     cout << "Read in guess for alpha" << endl;
     cin >> alpha;
     gtol = 1.0e-5;
//   now call dfmin and compute the minimum
     p(0) = alpha;
     dfpmin(p, n, gtol, &iter, &fret, Efunction, dEfunction);
     cout << "Value of energy minimum = " << fret << endl;
     cout << "Number of iterations = " << iter << endl;
     cout << "Value of alpha at minimum = " << p(0) << endl;
      return 0;
}  // end of main program