The syntax when finding the dot product

import autograd.numpy as np
from autograd import grad
def f9(a): # Assume a is an array with 2 elements
    b = np.array([1.0,2.0])

f9_grad = grad(f9)

x = np.array([1.0,0.0])

print("The derivative of f9 is:",f9_grad(x))

Here we are told that the 'dot' function does not belong to Autograd's version of a Numpy array. To overcome this, an alternative syntax which also computed the dot product can be used:

import autograd.numpy as np
from autograd import grad
def f9_alternative(x): # Assume a is an array with 2 elements
    b = np.array([1.0,2.0])
    return,b) # The same as x_1*b_1 + x_2*b_2

f9_alternative_grad = grad(f9_alternative)

x = np.array([3.0,0.0])

print("The gradient of f9 is:",f9_alternative_grad(x))

# The analytical gradient of the dot product of vectors x and b with two elements (x_1,x_2) and (b_1, b_2) respectively
# w.r.t x is (b_1, b_2).