Evaluate model performance on test data

To measure the performance of our network we evaluate how well it does it data it has never seen before, i.e. the test data. We measure the performance of the network using the accuracy score. The accuracy is as you would expect just the number of images correctly labeled divided by the total number of images. A perfect classifier will have an accuracy score of \( 1 \).

$$ \text{Accuracy} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n I(\tilde{y}_i = y_i)}{n} ,$$

where \( I \) is the indicator function, \( 1 \) if \( \tilde{y}_i = y_i \) and \( 0 \) otherwise.

epochs = 100
batch_size = 100

dnn = NeuralNetwork(X_train, Y_train_onehot, eta=eta, lmbd=lmbd, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size,
                    n_hidden_neurons=n_hidden_neurons, n_categories=n_categories)
test_predict = dnn.predict(X_test)

# accuracy score from scikit library
print("Accuracy score on test set: ", accuracy_score(Y_test, test_predict))

# equivalent in numpy
def accuracy_score_numpy(Y_test, Y_pred):
    return np.sum(Y_test == Y_pred) / len(Y_test)

#print("Accuracy score on test set: ", accuracy_score_numpy(Y_test, test_predict))