Predicting New Points With A Trained Recurrent Neural Network

def test_rnn (x1, y_test, plot_min, plot_max):
            x1 (a list or numpy array): The complete x component of the data set
            y_test (a list or numpy array): The complete y component of the data set
            plot_min (an int or float): the smallest x value used in the training data
            plot_max (an int or float): the largest x valye used in the training data
        Uses a trained recurrent neural network model to predict future points in the 
        series.  Computes the MSE of the predicted data set from the true data set, saves
        the predicted data set to a csv file, and plots the predicted and true data sets w
        while also displaying the data range used for training.
    # Add the training data as the first dim points in the predicted data array as these
    # are known values.
    y_pred = y_test[:dim].tolist()
    # Generate the first input to the trained recurrent neural network using the last two 
    # points of the training data.  Based on how the network was trained this means that it
    # will predict the first point in the data set after the training data.  All of the 
    # brackets are necessary for Tensorflow.
    next_input = np.array([[[y_test[dim-2]], [y_test[dim-1]]]])
    # Save the very last point in the training data set.  This will be used later.
    last = [y_test[dim-1]]

    # Iterate until the complete data set is created.
    for i in range (dim, len(y_test)):
        # Predict the next point in the data set using the previous two points.
        next = model.predict(next_input)
        # Append just the number of the predicted data set
        # Create the input that will be used to predict the next data point in the data set.
        next_input = np.array([[last, next[0]]], dtype=np.float64)
        last = next

    # Print the mean squared error between the known data set and the predicted data set.
    print('MSE: ', np.square(np.subtract(y_test, y_pred)).mean())
    # Save the predicted data set as a csv file for later use
    name = datatype + 'Predicted'+str(dim)+'.csv'
    np.savetxt(name, y_pred, delimiter=',')
    # Plot the known data set and the predicted data set.  The red box represents the region that was used
    # for the training data.
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(x1, y_test, label="true", linewidth=3)
    ax.plot(x1, y_pred, 'g-.',label="predicted", linewidth=4)
    # Created a red region to represent the points used in the training data.
    ax.axvspan(plot_min, plot_max, alpha=0.25, color='red')

# Check to make sure the data set is complete
assert len(X_tot) == len(y_tot)

# This is the number of points that will be used in as the training data

# Separate the training data from the whole data set
X_train = X_tot[:dim]
y_train = y_tot[:dim]

# Generate the training data for the RNN, using a sequence of 2
rnn_input, rnn_training = format_data(y_train, 2)

# Create a recurrent neural network in Keras and produce a summary of the 
# machine learning model
model = rnn(length_of_sequences = rnn_input.shape[1])

# Start the timer.  Want to time training+testing
start = timer()
# Fit the model using the training data genenerated above using 150 training iterations and a 5%
# validation split.  Setting verbose to True prints information about each training iteration.
hist =, rnn_training, batch_size=None, epochs=150, 

for label in ["loss","val_loss"]:

plt.title("The final validation loss: {}".format(hist.history["val_loss"][-1]))

# Use the trained neural network to predict more points of the data set
test_rnn(X_tot, y_tot, X_tot[0], X_tot[dim-1])
# Stop the timer and calculate the total time needed.
end = timer()
print('Time: ', end-start)