Network Elements, the energy function

The function \( E(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{h}) \) gives the energy of a configuration (pair of vectors) \( (\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{h}) \). The lower the energy of a configuration, the higher the probability of it. This function also depends on the parameters \( \mathbf{a} \), \( \mathbf{b} \) and \( W \). Thus, when we adjust them during the learning procedure, we are adjusting the energy function to best fit our problem.

An expression for the energy function is

$$ E(\hat{x},\hat{h}) = -\sum_{ia}^{NA}b_i^a \alpha_i^a(x_i)-\sum_{jd}^{MD}c_j^d \beta_j^d(h_j)-\sum_{ijad}^{NAMD}b_i^a \alpha_i^a(x_i)c_j^d \beta_j^d(h_j)w_{ij}^{ad}. $$

Here \( \beta_j^d(h_j) \) and \( \alpha_i^a(x_j) \) are so-called transfer functions that map a given input value to a desired feature value. The labels \( a \) and \( d \) denote that there can be multiple transfer functions per variable. The first sum depends only on the visible units. The second on the hidden ones. Note that there is no connection between nodes in a layer.

The quantities \( b \) and \( c \) can be interpreted as the visible and hidden biases, respectively.

The connection between the nodes in the two layers is given by the weights \( w_{ij} \).