The routine for the steepest descent method

Vector SteepestDescent(Matrix A, Vector b, Vector x0){
  int IterMax, i;
  int dim = x0.Dimension();
  const double tolerance = 1.0e-14;
  Vector x(dim),f(dim),z(dim);
  double c,alpha,d;
  IterMax = 30;
  x = x0;
  r = A*x-b;
  i = 0;
  while (i <= IterMax){
    z = A*r;
    c = dot(r,r);
    alpha = c/dot(r,z);
    x = x - alpha*r;
    r =  A*x-b;
    if(sqrt(dot(r,r)) < tolerance) break;
  return x;