Computation of ratios

Computing the ratios discussed above requires that we maintain the inverse of the Slater matrix evaluated at the current position. Each time a trial position is accepted, the row number \( i \) of the Slater matrix changes and updating its inverse has to be carried out. Getting the inverse of an \( N \times N \) matrix by Gaussian elimination has a complexity of order of \( \mathcal{O}(N^3) \) operations, a luxury that we cannot afford for each time a particle move is accepted. We will use the expression

$$ \begin{equation*} \tag{10} d^{-1}_{kj}(\mathbf{x^{new}}) = \left\{\begin{array}{l l} d^{-1}_{kj}(\mathbf{x^{old}}) - \frac{d^{-1}_{ki}(\mathbf{x^{old}})}{R} \sum_{l=1}^{N} d_{il}(\mathbf{x^{new}}) d^{-1}_{lj}(\mathbf{x^{old}}) & \mbox{if $j \neq i$}\nonumber \\ \\ \frac{d^{-1}_{ki}(\mathbf{x^{old}})}{R} \sum_{l=1}^{N} d_{il}(\mathbf{x^{old}}) d^{-1}_{lj}(\mathbf{x^{old}}) & \mbox{if $j=i$} \end{array} \right. \end{equation*} $$