The Challenges Facing Machine Learning

While there has been much progress in machine learning, there are also challenges.

For example, the mainstream machine learning technologies are black-box approaches, making us concerned about their potential risks. To tackle this challenge, we may want to make machine learning more explainable and controllable. As another example, the computational complexity of machine learning algorithms is usually very high and we may want to invent lightweight algorithms or implementations. Furthermore, in many domains such as physics, chemistry, biology, and social sciences, people usually seek elegantly simple equations (e.g., the Schrödinger equation) to uncover the underlying laws behind various phenomena. In the field of machine learning, can we reveal simple laws instead of designing more complex models for data fitting? Although there are many challenges, we are still very optimistic about the future of machine learning. As we look forward to the future, here are what we think the research hotspots in the next ten years will be.

See the article on Discovery of Physics From Data: Universal Laws and Discrepancies