The Metropolis Algorithm and Detailed Balance

In statistical physics this condition ensures that it is e.g., the Boltzmann distribution which is generated when equilibrium is reached.

We introduce now the Boltzmann distribution $$ \begin{equation*} w_i= \frac{\exp{(-\beta(E_i))}}{Z}, \end{equation*} $$ which states that the probability of finding the system in a state \( i \) with energy \( E_i \) at an inverse temperature \( \beta = 1/k_BT \) is \( w_i\propto \exp{(-\beta(E_i))} \). The denominator \( Z \) is a normalization constant which ensures that the sum of all probabilities is normalized to one. It is defined as the sum of probabilities over all microstates \( j \) of the system $$ \begin{equation*} Z=\sum_j \exp{(-\beta(E_i))}. \end{equation*} $$