Resampling analysis

The next step is then to use the above data sets and perform a resampling analysis, either using say the Bootstrap method or the Blocking method.

# Common imports
import os

# Where to save the figures and data files
DATA_ID = "Results/EnergyMin"

def data_path(dat_id):
    return os.path.join(DATA_ID, dat_id)

infile = open(data_path("Energies.dat"),'r')

from numpy import std, mean, concatenate, arange, loadtxt, zeros, ceil
from numpy.random import randint
from time import time

def tsboot(data,statistic,R,l):
    t = zeros(R); n = len(data); k = int(ceil(float(n)/l));
    inds = arange(n); t0 = time()
    # time series bootstrap
    for i in range(R):
        # construct bootstrap sample from
        # k chunks of data. The chunksize is l
        _data = concatenate([data[j:j+l] for j in randint(0,n-l,k)])[0:n];
        t[i] = statistic(_data)

    # analysis
    print ("Runtime: %g sec" % (time()-t0)); print ("Bootstrap Statistics :")
    print ("%8g %14g %15g" % (statistic(data), \
                             mean(t) - statistic(data), \
                             std(t) ))
    return t
# Read in data
X = loadtxt(infile)
# statistic to be estimated. Takes two args.
# arg1: the data
def stat(data):
    return mean(data)
t = tsboot(X, stat, 2**12, 2**10)

The blocking code, based on the article of Marius Jonsson is given here

# Common imports
import os

# Where to save the figures and data files
DATA_ID = "Results/EnergyMin"

def data_path(dat_id):
    return os.path.join(DATA_ID, dat_id)

infile = open(data_path("Energies.dat"),'r')

from numpy import log2, zeros, mean, var, sum, loadtxt, arange, array, cumsum, dot, transpose, diagonal, sqrt
from numpy.linalg import inv

def block(x):
    # preliminaries
    n = len(x)
    d = int(log2(n))
    s, gamma = zeros(d), zeros(d)
    mu = mean(x)

    # estimate the auto-covariance and variances 
    # for each blocking transformation
    for i in arange(0,d):
        n = len(x)
        # estimate autocovariance of x
        gamma[i] = (n)**(-1)*sum( (x[0:(n-1)]-mu)*(x[1:n]-mu) )
        # estimate variance of x
        s[i] = var(x)
        # perform blocking transformation
        x = 0.5*(x[0::2] + x[1::2])
    # generate the test observator M_k from the theorem
    M = (cumsum( ((gamma/s)**2*2**arange(1,d+1)[::-1])[::-1] )  )[::-1]

    # we need a list of magic numbers
    q =array([6.634897,9.210340, 11.344867, 13.276704, 15.086272, 16.811894, 18.475307, 20.090235, 21.665994, 23.209251, 24.724970, 26.216967, 27.688250, 29.141238, 30.577914, 31.999927, 33.408664, 34.805306, 36.190869, 37.566235, 38.932173, 40.289360, 41.638398, 42.979820, 44.314105, 45.641683, 46.962942, 48.278236, 49.587884, 50.892181])

    # use magic to determine when we should have stopped blocking
    for k in arange(0,d):
        if(M[k] < q[k]):
    if (k >= d-1):
        print("Warning: Use more data")
    return mu, s[k]/2**(d-k)

x = loadtxt(infile)
(mean, var) = block(x) 
std = sqrt(var)
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
data ={'Mean':[mean], 'STDev':[std]}
frame = pd.DataFrame(data,index=['Values'])

Why aren't the final averages from the MC sampling the same as those from the Blocking and Bootstrap analysis?

Let us now go through some of the basic theory behind the Bootstrap and the Blocking methods. This means that we need to deal with so-called resampling methods.