Bringing it together, first back propagation equation

We have thus

$$ \frac{\partial{\cal C}(\hat{W^L})}{\partial w_{jk}^L} = \left(a_j^L - t_j\right)a_j^L(1-a_j^L)a_k^{L-1}, $$


$$ \delta_j^L = a_j^L(1-a_j^L)\left(a_j^L - t_j\right) = f'(z_j^L)\frac{\partial {\cal C}}{\partial (a_j^L)}, $$

and using the Hadamard product of two vectors we can write this as

$$ \hat{\delta}^L = f'(\hat{z}^L)\circ\frac{\partial {\cal C}}{\partial (\hat{a}^L)}. $$

This is an important expression. The second term on the right handside measures how fast the cost function is changing as a function of the $j$th output activation. If, for example, the cost function doesn't depend much on a particular output node \( j \), then \( \delta_j^L \) will be small, which is what we would expect. The first term on the right, measures how fast the activation function \( f \) is changing at a given activation value \( z_j^L \).

Notice that everything in the above equations is easily computed. In particular, we compute \( z_j^L \) while computing the behaviour of the network, and it is only a small additional overhead to compute \( f'(z^L_j) \). The exact form of the derivative with respect to the output depends on the form of the cost function. However, provided the cost function is known there should be little trouble in calculating

$$ \frac{\partial {\cal C}}{\partial (a_j^L)} $$

With the definition of \( \delta_j^L \) we have a more compact definition of the derivative of the cost function in terms of the weights, namely

$$ \frac{\partial{\cal C}(\hat{W^L})}{\partial w_{jk}^L} = \delta_j^La_k^{L-1}. $$