
With our definition of the targets \( \hat{t} \), the outputs of the network \( \hat{y} \) and the inputs \( \hat{x} \) we define now the activation \( z_j^l \) of node/neuron/unit \( j \) of the \( l \)-th layer as a function of the bias, the weights which add up from the previous layer \( l-1 \) and the forward passes/outputs \( \hat{a}^{l-1} \) from the previous layer as

$$ z_j^l = \sum_{i=1}^{M_{l-1}}w_{ij}^la_i^{l-1}+b_j^l, $$

where \( b_k^l \) are the biases from layer \( l \). Here \( M_{l-1} \) represents the total number of nodes/neurons/units of layer \( l-1 \). The figure here illustrates this equation. We can rewrite this in a more compact form as the matrix-vector products we discussed earlier,

$$ \hat{z}^l = \left(\hat{W}^l\right)^T\hat{a}^{l-1}+\hat{b}^l. $$

With the activation values \( \hat{z}^l \) we can in turn define the output of layer \( l \) as \( \hat{a}^l = f(\hat{z}^l) \) where \( f \) is our activation function. In the examples here we will use the sigmoid function discussed in our logistic regression lectures. We will also use the same activation function \( f \) for all layers and their nodes. It means we have

$$ a_j^l = f(z_j^l) = \frac{1}{1+\exp{-(z_j^l)}}. $$