Pointer example II

int matr[2];
int *p;
p = &matr[0];
matr[0] = 321;
matr[1] = 322;
printf("\nAddress of matrix element matr[1]: %p",&matr[0]);
printf("\nValue of the  matrix element  matr[1]; %d",matr[0]);
printf("\nAddress of matrix element matr[2]: %p",&matr[1]);
printf("\nValue of the matrix element  matr[2]: %d\n", matr[1]);
printf("\nValue of the pointer p: %p",p);
printf("\nThe value p points to: %d",*p);
printf("\nThe value that (p+1) points to  %d\n",*(p+1));
printf("\nAddress of pointer p : %p\n",&p);