The teaching material is produced in various formats for printing and on-screen reading.
The PDF files are based on LaTeX and have seldom technical failures that cannot be easily corrected. The HTML-based files, called "HTML" and "ipynb" below, apply MathJax for rendering LaTeX formulas and sometimes this technology gives rise to unexpected failures (e.g., incorrect rendering in a web page despite correct LaTeX syntax in the formula). Consult the corresponding PDF files if you find missing or incorrectly rendered formulas in HTML or ipython notebook files.
The syllabus for this course consists of the lecture notes on the webpage (chapters 2-15) and 5 compulsory projects. The last three projects are graded and count 1/3 each of the final mark.
In addition we recommend highly the texts on Numerical Recipes in C++ or Fortran90 by Press et al. The C, F77 and Fortran90 can be downloaded down for free, follow the links at Numerical Recipes.
The program library in C++ and Fortran2008 used in this course is a rewritten version of the Numerical Recipes codes.
All programs are available at the github address of the course