Exercises week 39

September 23-27, 2024

Date: Deadline is Friday September 27 at midnight

Overarching aims of the exercises this week

The aim of the exercises this week is to aid you in getting started with writing the report. This will be discussed during the lab sessions as well.

A general guideline can be found at https://github.com/CompPhysics/MachineLearning/blob/master/doc/Projects/EvaluationGrading/EvaluationForm.md.

Similarly, an example of an earlier project can be found at https://github.com/CompPhysics/MachineLearning/blob/master/doc/Projects/ReportExample/ReportSample.pdf

Your task this week is to

  1. Write an abstract for your project

  2. Write an introduction

  3. Include references

A short feedback to the this exercise will be available before the project deadline. And you can reuse these elements in your final report.