Teachers and Grading

Instructor information

  • Name: Morten Hjorth-Jensen

  • Email: morten.hjorth-jensen@fys.uio.no

  • Phone: +47-48257387

  • Office: Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Eastern wing, room FØ470

  • Office hours: Anytime! Feel free to send an email for planning. Both in person meetings or digital meetings are possible.

Teaching Assistants Fall semester 2023


  1. The sessions on Tuesdays and Wednesdays last four hours for each group (four in total) and will include lectures in a flipped mode (promoting active learning) and work on exercices and projects. The sessions will begin with lectures and questions and answers about the material to be covered every week.

  2. There are four groups, Tuesdays 815am-12pm and 1215pm-4pm and Wednesdays 815am-12pm and 1215pm-4pm. Please sign up as soon as possible for one of the groups. Max capacity per group is 30-40 participants.

  3. On Thursdays we have a regular lecture. These lectures start at 1215pm and end at 2pm. The lectures are recorded.

  4. Three projects which are graded and count 1/3 each of the final grade;

  5. A selected number of weekly assignments. The weekly assignments can be handed in and for all assignments you can get an extra score of 20 points to the final grade.

  6. The course is part of the CS Master of Science program, but is open to other bachelor and Master of Science students at the University of Oslo;

  7. The course is offered as a so-called cloned course, FYS-STK4155 at the Master of Science level and FYS-STK3155 as a senior undergraduate)course;

  8. Videos of teaching material are available via the links at https://compphysics.github.io/MachineLearning/doc/web/course.html;

  9. Weekly email with summary of activities will be mailed to all participants;


Grading scale: Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. There are three projects which are graded and each project counts 1/3 of the final grade. The total score is thus the average from all three projects.

The final number of points is based on the average of all projects (including eventual additional points) and the grade follows the following table:

  • 92-100 points: A

  • 77-91 points: B

  • 58-76 points: C

  • 46-57 points: D

  • 40-45 points: E

  • 0-39 points: F-failed

In summary


Percentage of total score

First project, due October 9

33.3% (1/3)

Second project, due November 6

33.3% (1.3)

Third project, due December 11

33.3% (1/3)

Extra Credit (not mandatory), weekly exercise assignments, 10 in total (due each Friday)


The first weekly exercise set is scheduled for week 35.