Jacobi Algorithm for solving Laplace's Equation, simple example

A simple example may help in understanding this method. We consider a condensator with parallel plates separated at a distance \( L \) resulting in for example the voltage differences \( u(x,0)=200sin(2\pi x/L) \) and \( u(x,1)=-200sin(2\pi x/L) \). These are our boundary conditions and we ask what is the voltage \( u \) between the plates? To solve this problem numerically we provide below a C++ program which solves iteratively Eq. (17) using Jacobi's method. Only the part which computes Eq. (17) is included here.

//  We define the step size for a square lattice with n+1 points
       double h = (xmax-xmin)/(n+1);
       double L = xmax-xmin;   // The length of the lattice
//  We allocate space for the vector u and the temporary vector to
//  be upgraded in every iteration
       mat  u( n+1, n+1);  // using Armadillo to define matrices
       mat  u_temp( n+1, n+1);  // This is the temporary value
       u = 0.  //  This is also our initial guess for all unknown values
//  We need to set up the  boundary conditions.  Specify for various cases
//  The iteration algorithm starts here
       iterations = 0;
       while( (iterations <= max_iter) && ( diff > 0.00001) ){
          u_temp = u; diff = 0.;
          for (j = 1; j<= n,j++){
              for(l = 1; l <= n; l++){
                 u(j,l) = 0.25*(u_temp(j+1,l)+u_temp(j-1,l)+ &
                 diff += fabs(u_temp(i,j)-u(i,j));
          diff /= pow((n),2.0); 
       }   // end while loop