// Solves linear equations for simple tridiagonal matrix using the iterative Jacobi method
// Begin main program
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
// missing statements, see code link above
mat A = zeros<mat>(n,n);
// Set up arrays for the simple case
vec b(n); vec x(n);
A(0,1) = -1; x(0) = h; b(0) = hh*f(x(0));
x(n-1) = x(0)+(n-1)*h; b(n-1) = hh*f(x(n-1));
for (int i = 1; i < n-1; i++){
x(i) = x(i-1)+h;
b(i) = hh*f(x(i));
A(i,i-1) = -1.0;
A(i,i+1) = -1.0;
A(n-2,n-1) = -1.0; A(n-1,n-2) = -1.0;
// solve Ax = b by iteration with a random starting vector
int maxiter = 100; double diff = 1.0;
double epsilon = 1.0e-10; int iter = 0;
vec SolutionOld = randu<vec>(n);
vec SolutionNew = zeros<vec>(n);
while (iter <= maxiter || diff > epsilon){
SolutionNew = (b -A*SolutionOld)*0.5;
iter++; diff = fabs(sum(SolutionNew-SolutionOld)/n);
SolutionOld = SolutionNew;
vec solution = SolutionOld;}