Analytical Solution for the two-dimensional wave equation,

The lhs and rhs are independent of each other and we obtain two differential equations $$ \begin{equation*} F_{xx}+F_{yy}+F\nu^2=0, \end{equation*} $$ and $$ \begin{equation*} G_{tt} + Gc^2\nu^2 = G_{tt} + G\lambda^2 = 0, \end{equation*} $$ with \( \lambda = c\nu \). We can in turn make the following ansatz for the \( x \) and \( y \) dependent part $$ \begin{equation*} F(x,y) = H(x)Q(y), \end{equation*} $$ which results in $$ \begin{equation*} \frac{1}{H}H_{xx} = -\frac{1}{Q}(Q_{yy}+Q\nu^2)= -\kappa^2. \end{equation*} $$