Discussion of Jacobi's method for eigenvalues

Defining the quantities \( \tan\theta = t= s/c \) and $$\cot 2\theta=\tau = \frac{a_{ll}-a_{kk}}{2a_{kl}}, $$ we obtain the quadratic equation (using \( \cot 2\theta=1/2(\cot \theta-\tan\theta) \) $$ t^2+2\tau t-1= 0, $$ resulting in $$ t = -\tau \pm \sqrt{1+\tau^2}, $$ and \( c \) and \( s \) are easily obtained via $$ c = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1+t^2}}, $$ and \( s=tc \). Convince yourself that we have \( |\theta| \le \pi/4 \). This has the effect of minimizing the difference between the matrices \( \mathbf{B} \) and \( \mathbf{A} \) since $$ \mathrm{norm}(\mathbf{B}-\mathbf{A})_F^2=4(1-c)\sum_{i=1,i\ne k,l}^n(a_{ik}^2+a_{il}^2) +\frac{2a_{kl}^2}{c^2}. $$