Correlation Matrix with Pandas and the Franke function

# Common imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def FrankeFunction(x,y):
	term1 = 0.75*np.exp(-(0.25*(9*x-2)**2) - 0.25*((9*y-2)**2))
	term2 = 0.75*np.exp(-((9*x+1)**2)/49.0 - 0.1*(9*y+1))
	term3 = 0.5*np.exp(-(9*x-7)**2/4.0 - 0.25*((9*y-3)**2))
	term4 = -0.2*np.exp(-(9*x-4)**2 - (9*y-7)**2)
	return term1 + term2 + term3 + term4

def create_X(x, y, n ):
	if len(x.shape) > 1:
		x = np.ravel(x)
		y = np.ravel(y)

	N = len(x)
	l = int((n+1)*(n+2)/2)		# Number of elements in beta
	X = np.ones((N,l))

	for i in range(1,n+1):
		q = int((i)*(i+1)/2)
		for k in range(i+1):
			X[:,q+k] = (x**(i-k))*(y**k)

	return X

# Making meshgrid of datapoints and compute Franke's function
n = 4
N = 100
x = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 1, N))
y = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 1, N))
z = FrankeFunction(x, y)
X = create_X(x, y, n=n)    

Xpd = pd.DataFrame(X)
# subtract the mean values and set up the covariance matrix
Xpd = Xpd - Xpd.mean()
covariance_matrix = Xpd.cov()

We note here that the covariance is zero for the first rows and columns since all matrix elements in the design matrix were set to one (we are fitting the function in terms of a polynomial of degree \( n \)).

This means that the variance for these elements will be zero and will cause problems when we set up the correlation matrix. We can simply drop these elements and construct a correlation matrix without these elements.