#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
// Here we define various functions called by the main program
// this function defines the function to integrate
double func(double x);
// Main function begins here
int main()
int n;
double MCint, MCintsqr2, fx, Variance;
cout << "Read in the number of Monte-Carlo samples" << endl;
cin >> n;
MCint = MCintsqr2=0.;
double invers_period = 1./RAND_MAX; // initialise the random number generator
srand(time(NULL)); // This produces the so-called seed in MC jargon
// evaluate the integral with the a crude Monte-Carlo method
for ( int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
// obtain a floating number x in [0,1]
double x = double(rand())*invers_period;
fx = func(x);
MCint += fx;
MCintsqr2 += fx*fx;
MCint = MCint/((double) n );
MCintsqr2 = MCintsqr2/((double) n );
double variance=MCintsqr2-MCint*MCint;
// final output
cout << " variance= " << variance << " Integral = " << MCint << " Exact= " << M_PI << endl;
} // end of main program
// this function defines the function to integrate
double func(double x)
double value;
value = 4/(1.+x*x);
return value;
} // end of function to evaluate