Acceptance-Rejection Method

It is rather easy to implement this numerically, as shown in the following code.

//   Loop over Monte Carlo trials n
     integral =0.;
     for ( int i = 1;  i <= n; i++){
//   Finds a random value for x in the interval [0,3]
          x = 3*ran0(&idum);
//   Finds y-value between [0,exp(3)]
          y = exp(3.0)*ran0(&idum);
//   if the value of y at exp(x) is below the curve, we accept
          if ( y  < exp(x)) s = s+ 1.0;
//   The integral is area enclosed below the line f(x)=exp(x)
//  Then we multiply with the area of the rectangle and divide by the number of cycles 
    Integral = 3.*exp(3.)*s/n