The following simple Python code implements the above algorithm for particles in a box and plots the final number of particles in each part of the box.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from math import exp
import numpy as np
import random
# initial number of particles
N0 = 1000
MaxTime = 10*N0
values = np.zeros(MaxTime)
time = np.zeros(MaxTime)
# initial number of particles in left half
nleft = N0
for t in range (0, MaxTime, 1):
if N0*random.random() <= nleft:
nleft -= 1
nleft += 1
time[t] = t
values[t] = nleft
# Finally we plot the results
plt.plot(time, values,'b-')
plt.axis([0,MaxTime, N0/4, N0])
plt.title('Number of particles in left half')
The produced figure shows the development of this system as function of time steps. We note that for N=1000 after roughly 2000 time steps, the system has reached the equilibrium state. There are however noteworthy fluctuations around equilibrium.